Emperor of spice

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Megumi: Akira but why

Ren's eyes sharpen

Soma: Hey there Akira firm here it looks like you've got some weird looking badge pinned to your chest surely that must be a mistake

Rindo: No mistake Soma Yukihira, he has indeed become the newest elite member of the council of ten, he is now Akira hayama of central, as for now its still a provisional thing but consider him the number 9 seat

Akira: There you have it, I am no longer seen as the same level as either of you, I even have the authority to administer exams

Ren: Tch We really shouldn't of left you unchecked, your attitude has gotten way out of hand

The guards drag Erina way and then Rindo pushes Megumi and takumi again

Akira: Now then Soma and Ren, it's time for you both to bring it,  let's see if you both get expelled or not

Soma: Akira! I never would've thought that while you where gone  that this is what you would've been up too

Ren: I always thought where a stuck up arsehole! But that's what made me like you, you never let anyone tell you what to do, you always fought for what was precious to you

Soma:  Sonheres our first question what the bell happened to the shiomi seminar

Akira: oh that well it's gone now 'their eyes widen' Central has no need for any competing independent organisation such is the new way of thinking of director Azami, you should both know that by now

Ren: So does that means that seminar meant nothing too you!? Or are you just playing it cool?

Akira: Actually I'd like to ask some questions of you two, what have you two been doing during this whole time, you've both protected your dorm, gone against the Azami administration and you both showed me your fangs and tried to take the top sport of yourselves at the fall selection, was that all just a lie?, while you two have been dragging feet over there it is I who have taken the top spot but I'd like to go even further than that and crush you both in a challenge, Soma Yukihira and Ren Dojima I take it you'll both accept

Soma: Cut the crap already man

Ren: we've wanted a revenge match against you since the finals

Soma: if that's what you want then we'll fulfil your wishes

Ren: so tell us what's the format and rules

Soma: and we are going to need someone to judge

Gin: you don't need to worry about that I've already seen too these hints

Ren: Dad! What are you doing here

Gin: Hey Ren it's been a while, you've grown stronger I see, As for what I'm doing here these facilities are under the admin of totsuki resorts and since I just so happen to be the groups executive, I have the right to mediate a competition

Akira: I never expected you too show up here

Ren remembers what his dad said too akira

Ren: (that's what happened he let his talent get out of control)

Gin: and so gentlemen I will now explain the rules too you three, it has been decided to make the theme ingredient different form previous years. The theme for this challenge will be bear meat

Ren licks his lips

Gin: the battle will be judged on a single dish which most elevates the flavour of bear meat, your prep begins now, the match will be held in three days time

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