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Ren and Kojiro are searching the the fish market

Ren: Alright let's find us some Saury, what's the plan Koji

His eye twitches
Kojiro: Well right now we need to find some of the freshest ones of them all

Ren: Alright let's do it

They keep walking and see Ryo and Soma having a cooking battle

Ren: Those two are seriously fired up

Shino: Oh so the brat is competing with you and I must say that hot heads skill with seafood is incredible

Ren: yeah he is my rival after all 'Ren then takes his headphones off' huh

He hears an interesting sound and walks towards it

Shino: What's going on

Ren: I hear it

Ren walks up too a crate and takes the lid off and in it is a lot of saury

Ren: Excuse me sir is this crate for sale

Salesman: why yes it is freshly caught this morning

Ren: great I'll take the lot

Salesman: Well pleasure doing business with you

Ren: right back at ya

Ren grabs the crate and starts walking back

Kojiro: so I'm guessing those fish are fresh

Ren: yeah they sound incredibly fresh

Kojiro: how do you hear freshness

Ren: because of the air bubbles

Kojiro: those ears of yours are insane as always

Ren's eye twitches: their better than yours

?: Hey Ren

They turn and see soma

Ren: Oh hey mr 4th place

Soma: Sup true 4th place

Lighting flies between them

Soma: oh great too see you again chef Kojiro shinomiya

Megumi: yes it is great too see you again

Kojiro: Hey brats how ya been doing

Soma: Great, I'm facing this guy in the finals did you know he has a girlfriend and is totally whipped

Megumi: soma

Ren's eye twitches

Kojiro almost laughs: oh is that so interesting

Ren: shut it anyway I've got some fresh fish too cook so see ya

Soma: great I can't wait too beat you

Ren: right back at ya

Lighting flies between them again and they walk in opposite directions

Kojiro is having a hard time keeping his usual straight face

Ren: huh so you do have a sense of humour who knew

Kojiro's eye twitches: So when do I get too meet this girl who tamed the great Ren Dojima

Ren: Well what's the date today so Never

Kojiro: tch you're no fun

Ren: pot calls the kettle black

Kojiro: tch let's get cooking Morveux

Ren: You got it, batard

They get too a kitchen

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now