The council of Ten!

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Ren is sat beside Alice as the council of ten walk passed several of which Ren recognised

Rindo seat 2
Somei seat 4
Nene seat 6
Isshiki seat 7

But in realty he knows who all of them are

Soma: So uh I'd prefer to join the like ten right now would one of you be interested in doing a food war with me

Ren: Ooh yeah me too it sounds like a blast

Takumi: Soma, Ren come on!

Turns out all of them said no they seemed a little bit more inclined for Ren especially Rindo and Somei but they still said no

Ren is heading back to kyoksei and a lot later

He's even walking around

Ren: So the luna festival huh I've heard it runs for five days, sounds like a blast

He then sees soma and Erina talking

Ren: Heya Soma, Hey Erina Aww look at you two chatting like two good friends

Erina: Tch We are not!

Soma: We totally where so Ren are you doing one of these things as well

Ren: Ehh not sure really might just help out it does sound like fun but knowing Alice she'll want me too help out with hers and going against her is a huge drag

Erina: yeah I definitely agree with you there it's better tp just go along with it, it'll save you plenty of stress

Soma: damn the two of you sound like you have shared ptsd or something

A dark cloud appears above both of them

Ren and Erina: that's one way too put it

Soma then goes on too say he's going to challenge chef kuga

And walks off

Ren: So you think he's got a shot

Erina: Hey! Don't talk too me like we are friends

Ren: wait we aren't but we've known each other since we where kids

Erina: we met twice! And then..

Ren: yeah what was that about

Erina turns on her heels: it's none of your concern ok (dammit where is Hisako when I need her) and your friend Soma he's way in over his head

Ren goes off to play basketball and ends up going up against all six members of a team

Ren: alright guys you really wanna see what I can do

Students: hey we may acknowledge your skill but that doesn't mean you can beat us at everything

Ren: oh no well

Ren starts dribbling and is then seen behind the first guy

Student: What!

He then passes three more opponents until the last 2 defenders remain

He then slams the ball on the ground sending it right over them

Students: Ha! What's he doing there's no-one there did he forget he challenged all of us

Ren: You should shut up now

Ren passes both of them while their distracted and despite being one of the shortest people there he jumps and grabs the ball in mid air and slams it into the hoop

He then lands bakc down and catches the ball and starts spinning it on his finger

Ren: Would you like me to display my skills even more or is that enough for you

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now