The finale of hell

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Isshiki's weird dream

Isshiki: welcome home glad too see you've all made it rhgiuh the training camp form hell each of you did just splendidly

Soma Very buff: did you miss us!

Isshiki: soma? You've really bulked up I'm guessing your challenges where quite difficult, Megumi is that you Megumi you seem a bit on the gloomy side

Megumi sinister: shut up you loser

Ren: Hey what's going on here!

Isshiki: Ahh Ren I see you have-AAAH

Isshiki: Ahh Ren I see you have-AAAH

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Isshiki: Ahh what happened to you!

Ren: I don't think that's any of your business

Yuki: what do you say we beat the skinny little wuss too a bloody pulp

Daigo and Saito: Let's snap his scrawny little neck

Ren: Now now guys Why don't we just cut it instead

Ryoko: please do not disrespect your elders like that I don't take kindly too it

Isshiki: Hey Shun what happened to your once charming hairstyle

Shun Tarzan style: bushy

Isshiki: Ney guys uhh where Zenji I don't see him anywhere what happened too him

Shun: the only thing we could find where these

He holds out a pair of broken glasses

Isshiki: oh god, not him No Zenji my boy!

Dream over

In the real world

Ren is working incredibly hard destroying the training camp with renewed vigour

Ren: (I've got too push past my limits and get even better no matter what it takes!)

Ren is done with his challenge when he gets a text from Alice

Alice: pop by tonight I think you should know what this is about

Ren: I'll be there

Alice: good

Ren sighs and walks off too Alice's room when he hears something in the loud speaker

Gin: all students of totsuki academy at 10pm that's one hour form now you are too report too the main banquet hall in your school uniforms

Ren: Ugh Ahhh! I hate you so much right now dad!

Alice texts him saying meet you there

Ren gets changed and then walks into the banquet hall when he's immediately hit really hard over the head

Ren: Ouch!

Alice: there we go you deserved that and you know it

Ren: Tch how are you so strong

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