A new wave is coming

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Ren goes for a walk When he sees a familiar snaggletooth

Ren: Hey Rindo!

Rindo: Huh! Oh it's Ren! Sorry I couldn't challenge you that would've been way too much of hassle for right then

Ren: Ehh it's fine and if anything the past few days have taught me I'm not good enough to face for against you guys yet but that's not gonna stop me from trying

Rindo: Oh I expect you too not stop

Ren: Oh and by the way I've got to get back to my stall now see ya!

Rindo: bye!

Ren jumps over his stall

Ren: Alright let's get too work

Alice: hmph finally decided to join us

Ren: Sorry Soma needed my help

Alice: it's fine Akira covered for ya plus I didn't wanna see soma leave so it's alright

Ren mouths: thank you

Akira: no problem let's just get too work

Ren: right!

They eventually score third place in their area

Alice: well that's done what to do now

Ren: Well I've got a reservation at Erina's restaurant so I'm going to have some food there

Alice: what! You are leaving me again to go and spend time with Erina

Ren: it's not like that! I just wanna have some good food! Plus I don't nearly have enough money to go to tsukasa's place but he scares me so I'm not going

Akira: He scares you but why

Ryo: Ket me guess you can sense it can't you

Ren: yeah I've always been good at picking up on vibes from people it's how I'm able to analyse them so well but tsukasa his outer look is so bright and cheerful but inside the man is a monster and what's worse is I can't get a read on him and that scares me there's only one other person who does that too me

Ren leaves

Akira: Who was he talking about Alice

Ryo: I bet I can think of it

Alice: Azami Nakiri, Erina's father

Ren walks up too the mountain and enters through the door

Ren: Hey Erina, Hey Hisako

Erina: oh hey Ren

Hisako: welcome your table is ready for you

Ren: thank you I hope for a spectacular dining experience

Erina: wow so you can act professional

Ren: of course I can, I am the son of Gin Dojima

Erina: fair enough take a seat no point in ordering I know what you want

Ren: good to know, 'he sees an empty table' is that for?

Erina: yes it is

Ren nods and sits down waiting for his food

Ren: (the number 1 seat on the ten, no matter how hard I try I can't understand him and it frustrates me I tried his cooking once a couple of years back and it was one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten but he always seemed so timid yet not once did he ask me if I thought it tasted good that right there is why he's the number 1 seat

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now