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Ren just sits back and watches Eishi talking about the advancement exam by saying that what will happen to the rebels

Soma: Huh the advancement exam already it feels early since we are already in the second semester

Ren: True but if we want to be second hears we just need to pass the exam it's that simple

Soma: yeah!

They turn to their dorm mates who all look depressed

Soma: Hey what's up with you guys why the long faces

Yuki: come on where you even listening just now

Ryoko: Cnetral is trying to get rid of us rebels by making sure we fail the exam

Hinako: that announcement was like giving us a death sentence a warning for anyone who doesn't follow azami nakiri will promptly be eliminated

Ren: His name is Azami Nakamura he has no right to use that last name

Most Kyoksei is in a depression spiral

Ren sighs and walks out he finds a place on the roof too rest and takes out a sharpening kit

He is then seen sharpening his knife letting the cold night air relax him

Ren: So all of us could be eliminated just because we refuse to go along with central's bullcrap way of thinking, the problem is Azami was right about one thing the way totsuki works is a big game of survival of the fittest the ones who prove themselves too be the strongest, get to graduate, maybe that isn't how it should work people to progress at different rates after all, but centrals way is wrong following one man's ideal that's going to do nothing but create mindless foot soldiers who know nothing but obedience and that's not what the culinary world needs we'll fix totsuki once we get rid of central and too do that, the first step is to pass the advancement exam!

That's when he gets call

Ren: Hey snow Angel

Alice: how'd you know it's me

Ren gets slightly embarrassed: uhh you're kind of the only one that calls me

Alice: you are definitely flustered right now, so cute

Ren gains a tick mark: Hey! What did you want anyway

Alice: spoilsport, you saw the announcement didn't you

Ren: you bet I did, central isn't pulling any punches any more getting rid of us in one fell swoop is a solid plan

Alice: yeah I can't argue with you there, but hat doesn't mean we are going to let them do what they want right

Ren: Never not as long as a man like him is running things I'll never stop fighting him not until I've won

Alice: that's the Ren I know we've got this

Ren: yeah!

They hang up in sync

Ren swings into a room with all the kyoksei members

Ren: Huh why are you guys are gathered around listening to the thing from Soma's room

They all jump when they see Ren swinging through the window

Hisako: Ahh where'd you come from

Shun: it's fine he always does that

Yuki: who knows where he got that crazy agility from

Ren: anyway what's happening

Megumi: oh right Soma is making some food for Erina

Ren: oh that's nice of him

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