The first day

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Ren just watches the opening ceremony

Ren: (hmm erina's grandfather is as intimidating as ever)

Then him and soma are asked to step up and make a speech

Soma: I'll make this short and sweet, I'm sure you all need to study, well my names soma yukihira and honestly it's a honour to attend this school as a stepping stone in my carrier now I know my transfer was kind of unexpected I still don't plan on losing to a bunch of wannabes who have never stood in front of a customer before come am I right, anyway since I'm here and everything I might as well take the top spot

Alrighty then see a few of you At graduation

Everyone is pissed off and then heard laughing

Turns out it was Ren

Ren: Alright haha looks like it's my turn!, well hello there I'll do the same thing he did make this short and sweet, sup the name is Ren dojima, yup you heard that last name correctly former number 1 seat on the ten Yada Yada Yada, Now I don't want you comparing me too my father I plan to make a name for myself without being in his shadow, but if any of you want a shot at the son of the general head chef, then I have three words for you

Bring it on!

Because much like him! I'm aiming for the top!

Re: so try not let me down

Ren leaves

They get stuff thrown at them

Soma: Glad I got through that

Ren: yeah seriously

They see Erina

Ren: oh hey Erina nice too see ya again

Soma: uh yeah that was your name, I sure was nervous out there when I was a kid getting awards always made me uncomfortable

Ren; same here alright soma I'll see ya later, see ya soon you two hope you don't lose

Soma: oh yeah! Like I'd lose to anyone!

Ren just casually walks to class not even bothering too put on his uniform he does get a bit lost but then eventually reunited with soma and they walk to class together

Ren: so you really said all that to Erina Hahaha

Soma: yup! I'll make her say my food is delicious no matter what it takes

Ren: ambitious as always Soma that's why we get along

Soma: it sure is! We are the kids of two culinary monsters after all

Ren: that's true (way more true then you know soma)

Soma: Huh so what's going to be our first class then

Ren: honestly no freaking clue I heard it's from a pretty tough chef

That's when they are in class and Ren is put by himself due to uneven number of students and sees soma with a blue haired girl

Everyone is glaring at him

But Ren just glares right back

Ren: would you kindly shut up, I can't hear the teacher talk

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Ren: would you kindly shut up, I can't hear the teacher talk

Everyone around him shuts up immediately

This allows Ren to chill out

He then hears soma ask megumi how she was even able to get in

Ren chuckles at soma's bluntness not that he's any different

Then the chef walks in

Roland chapelle

Roland: the moment you step foot it in the kitchen you are responsible for producing extraordinary food, regardless of gastronomic experience nor your pedigree in life, my class rules are very strict any dish that is not an A will be view as an E and that my friends is a failure

Ren: (Hmm you haven't changed a bit either Roland good to know)

Roland: aprenti todays item is Boefu bourguignon it is a staple of French cuisine I have put the recipe on the whiteboard for you to follow you have two hours to prepare it

Ren: (French cuisine sounds exciting can't wait)

Chef: mow then let's begin everyone 'begin cooking in French'

Ren: (yes chef!)

In a flash grabs the mushroom and slices them up with extreme precision before sautéing them in butter

Then he grabs the meat and once again tears it into chunks with his knife, throws it in the pot with some bay leaves and thyme, grabs some red wine and pepper and just lets it simmer

Ren: (ugh that stupid guy made me learn French cuisine when I was younger this kind of thing is nothing)

Then about 30 an hour later, he finally cooks it and let's the meat get lovely and tender too soak up all the flavours needs

He then finally takes his headphones off and sits down in front of the oven and relaxes

The students look at him weirdly but are too busy focusing on their own dish

Ren yawns slightly but doesn't lose focus

He then notices some students about to mess with his dish

Ren: don't even think about it unless you don't want to talk again

He holds up his knife while his eyes are still closed

The students back off in fear that's how he relates too his father he's terrifying

But unfortunately when he was distracted he didn't notice more stundts messing with soma's dish

Soma realises it at the same time Ren does

Ren then gets uo and grabs something from the cabinet putting it on his own dish and then tossing it through the classroom

Some students shout but soma catches it without even looking the two share brief eye contact before nodding

What Ren just threw was honey

Then a little while later ren displays his dish to Roland

Ren: Heya! Chef it's been a while

Roland: ren it has been a while let's hope you cooking skills have imporeved too pass my classroom

Ren: well take a bite and see

Roland does and cracks a smile

All the students gasp soma just grins like a maniac

Roland: what is this sweet flavour

Ren: that'd be honey!, once I saw that my dish was going to take a little longer than I wanted too I decided to speed up the time and slathered some honey on it

Roland smiling: Ren dojima, you have your fathers spirit, you pass wiht one of the most perfect dishes I've ever seen you are free to go

Ren unites his red ribbon from his hair

Ren: and that's a wrap!

Ren high fives soma on the wait out

Soma: Nice pass Ren gotta say you where quicker than me this time

Ren: Heh i never told you too use it, you would've come up with the idea in your own we both found out what honey could be used for

Soma: yeah we did on the same day

Ren leaves leaving all the students stunned

Ren's tone seemed confident and he spoke with the same confidence but in his eyes was something different it was excitement from getting the recognition he wanted for his food

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora