Our Story begins

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Quick thing I don't know that much about cooking but luckily that's what the internet is for and also maybe going food wars style with a bit of "just go with it" here and there and also a thing that might get you disinterested is

I will not be doing season 5

Because personally I think it sucks

Anyway let the story begin

Ren and Soma are currently laughing their asses off

Ren: ugh this is so disgusting

Soma: I know right these where never meant to go together, I'm like a genius

Ren: Hehe we both are

Soma: Squid tentacles and peanut butter

Ren: Tch try bacon and peanut butter, these are so nasty!

Ren and soma: Hahahahaha

Joichiro: Soma, Ren, your friend is here

Ren gets up and ties his hair with a red ribbon

Soma uses his trademark white headband

Then in a second there's three portions of fried rice!

Joichiro: Please enjoy

Soma: Bon appétit my lady

Ren: Please milady feel free to enjoy

Mayumi: thank you very much

They hear some kids saying they are battling it out

She has an interesting reaction to all of them

Mayumi: hmm this one here 'points to Joichiro'

Ren snaps his fingers: dammit

Soma just sits on the floor

The crowd cheers that daddy yukihira won

Joichiro: well soma, Ren looks you both still have some learning to do

Ren: Tch alright old man watch your back

Soma: yeah I guess we'll take the loss today

Joichiro: you know to say something like that you both have to actually need to beat me at least once, you're both sitting at nearly 500 losses that right

Ren and soma: Huh!

Soma: don't even that's only 489!

Ren: and mines 475!

Joichiro: don't worry you'll both be there before you know it

Ren: tch stupid old man

Soma: yeah come on dad you don't know

Ren runs out the door and sits down to meditate putting his headphones on

Ren: Hmm what could I have done better

That's when he hears something interesting

And a devilish smirk appears on his face

He sneakily moves to the front of the restaurant and grabs some of his horrible dish before creeping uo behind Mayumi

Ren: Hey mayumi

Mayumi: oh uh Ren your dish was amazing as well

Ren: heh

Mayumi: oh no

Ren grabs some of it and puts it right to her mouth

Ren: come on open up

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now