Central is going down

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Alice: Nice work you two, You both followed my orders therefore you where able to win

Ren: whatever you say Snow Angel

Ryo: yeah that we did

Takumi: well that's two victories under our belt

Soma: let have a taste of what defeat is like

Ren suddenly hears a clapping sound and looks right yo in the stands

The others follow suit and see Azami standing there

Azami: That was quite the spectacle

Ryo, Alice and Ren glare at the man

Alice: Uncle Azami long time no see

Azami: Hello Alice I appreciate you looking out for Erina

Alice: is that so?

Ren's eyes sharpen

Azami: Alice, Ren, Your cutting edge club and your noodle club are the only ones that won in today's straggler hunt, the other 32 groups have all lost their ground  and will be disbanded

Ren: Yeah that pisses me off but that doesn't matter right now

Alice: Yes regardless of the other groups Ryo and Ren where declared the victors against central can you still stand there and tell us that your plan is the right thing to do

Ren: She's right are you sure that this is the only way 

Azami: I'm so disappointed in you two, I originally thought Ren would go along with me but that dream was crushed but I thought you Alice of all people would support me in making one true e of the nakiri family have a duty to lead the world gourmet food to new horizons and my sweeping reform should accomplish that

Alice: I can't simply accept your methods in good conscience

Ren: Not to mention we shouldn't and that's final l

Azami: Wow you are both quite naughty considering you kidnapped my beloved daughter right out from under me I don't think either of you have any grounds to try and talk

Alice: That's neither here or there uncle right now I'm just upset I will never forget your transgressions uncle these last few years have taught me something, I hate you! I'll no longer allow someone like you too ever influence totsuki nor Erina

Ren grins: (that's my girl it's that resolve that made me fall in love) You heard her and of course I'll be right there with her like I've always been!

Azami: is that so, Well it was worth a try, but as for today I'll congratulate you on the only taste of victory you'll ever have

They then see Erina standing there

Alice: Erina did you hear all that?

A little later

Alice: if uncle Azami hadn't gotten in the way just think for all those lost years the two of us could of been so much closer with each other

Ren: The three of us, he tore up my letters too

Alice: now if you'll excuse me, but first you need to fix that gloomy look on your face and focus on being more dignified Erina

Ren: Yeah seriously you've been looking so depressed where's the Erina that I remember that used to go for every challenge no matter what it was with all her drive and a confident smirk

Erina: What is with these Attitudes of yours, if you remember your the ones who took me from my home

Alice: Because we couldn't stand you whimper in fear of Azami

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