The two queens

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Announcer: I don't believe it, Ren Dojima has defeated Somei Saito the number 4 seat on the ten

The rebels break out and rush at him

Sato: You freaking did it!

Daigo: You beat a third year member of the ten my man

Ren sighs in annoyance knowing what's about to happen

They all tackle him too the ground

Ryo: obviously I believed he could but

Akira: yeah he actually pulled it off

Megumi: I knew you could do it

Takumi: Megumi we won this together you where a big part in Ren's success and I'm pretty sure he knows that

Alice wraps her arms around Ren's neck: you did an awesome job out there

She kisses him on the cheek causing various reactions

Ren blushes bright red: (dammit)

Alice then gets up and her along with the other girls and isami takcle takumi

Isami: Congratulations big bro!

Announcer: both team please retire to the waiting room and choose your members for the upcoming bout

Somei: Ren Dojima, eishi Tsukasa is fearsome

Ren: oh believe me I know

Somei: best of luck too all of you

Ren: thanks hey one day soon let's have another food war but no threat of  expulsion this time ok

Somei: Haha sounds good

The warriors part ways

Then we cut to Hisako giving him something

Hisako: Now choose one Ren a nice herbal medicine to calm your heightened nerves or one that is sure to increase your focus

Ren: uh what no thank you p

Hisako: well why not you must be suffering from fatigue

Ren: No I'm fine mostly

Ren walks over to a seat nearby and lets his body react

Isshiki: well the times almost on us, I would like to compete in this one, Erina, Ren, takumi, soma how about you

Ren: I'll sit this one out but I'm calling dibs on the 1v1 match

Everyone is suprised

Alice: hmm what's up with you Ren are you sick or something

Alice pokes Ren's forehead in an annoying way

Ren catches it: No I just believe this is the best thing I can do I drained a lot of energy today and tomorrow we could win but we could also nearly lose or a third option is that the 1v1 will mean nothing either way I need to be in top form

Isshiki: fair enoguh I get it, wat abiht the rest of you

Takumi: It goes without saying that we are ready

Soma: I'll be happy to take on anyone of them

Ryo: as Ren says if we win the next three battles this whole thing will be over

Alice: don't forget that they can still revive a player 'lightbulb' is that why you chose to sit it out

Ren: yeah if they get down to just one member than I can take them out

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