The new dish

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The next day after their date
Ren is seen walking out of the Nakiri mansion having spent the night there after Alice dragged him there and because he's whipped he did

Ren pulls out his phone and he types in a very specific number

Ren: Hey need a favour

Shino: is that really how you start a conversation we aren't in a move you know, anyway what is this favour you asked for

Ren: I made it too the fall selection and I need to go all out

Shino: Well if figured, your father did tell me you made it, anyway what's in it for me

Ren: Hmm you get the joy of helping someone you care about

Shino: Not good enough

Ren: (figured that wouldn't work) 'he sighs' you get too work me too the hone for 2 entire weeks

Shino: Now that..I'm interested ahh the great Ren Dojima swallowing his pride never thought I'd see the day but on one more condition you have to come at work for in your stagier

Ren: alright deal I've got a new dish I need to perfect

Shino: Oh interesting what's the theme this year

Ren: Curry

Shino: interesting you never change I bet your going to make a curry cuisine that no-one's ever heard of

Ren: you know me so well

Shino: alright get your butt over here

Then off the phone

Shino: curry with French cuisine now that's something I e never heard of before 'he smirks and chuckles' I can't wait!

We then see Ren in front of Shino's

Shino: Hey you're late!

Ren: I had to fly here!

Shino: doesn't matter get in the kitchen morveux and show me what you've got

Ren grumbles: Batard

He runs into the kitchen and makes the curry

Shino takes a bite: you where wise to come here

Ren: and why's that

Shino: your friend was right, it needs something more and I think it's bread

Ren: that's it!

Shino: Cake bread would've been a good idea but no actually it would've overpowered the bread, you need to find a way for the bread and curry to complement each other

Ren smirks: I'm getting excited, watch out fall selection you are about too get taken by storm!

Shino: That's a good attitude but I should warn you about the end of the week

Ren: Huh

Shino smirks evilly: We're having  the W.G.O coming by and I want too serve them your dish 

Ren: wait aren't they!

Shino: Yes and I want too make sure I get one of those 3 stars

Ren: Challenge accepted!

Lighting flies between them

Shino: but first you need too get to work

Ren sighs

Shino: yup it was part of our agreement, I get too work you too the bone and in exchange I'll be your Guinea pig, then while your here I'll push your cooking too it's limits and then have it break them again and again

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now