The final battle begins

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They are currently in a snowy area where they will meet with the members of the ten

Soma: The rendezvous point to discuss all this is right here, this is the middle of nowhere, and where's everyone going to be battling

The ten and Azami show up having just gone down the mountain

Azami: it's good to see everyone

Tsukasa: Looks like we're all here and accounted for

Rindo: So cold, can we get this over with already

Takumi: So these are the six traitors that ruined totsuki for everyone

Ren and Somei stare each other down both of their hands making their way to their blades lighting flying between them

Ren: Somei

Somei: Ren

Soma: Hey chef Eizan haven't seen you since our food war!

Eizan: I Hate you!

Soma: ok

Eizan: I will crush you too bits

Nene: simple murderous intent

Azami: Nene please

Nene explains how the regimental food war will work inckduing that they will have a crowd

Azami: let's refrain from restricting the number of Combatants as well, that is a hall mark of the regimental food war, I believe Ren here recently defeated 6 people all by himself but of course that's nkthing compared to chef saiba who defeated 50 isn't that correct

Ren: (wow)

Azami: Should the other team agree to this arrangement fifty or even a hundred contestants may be brought in at any time, still with most of the the,s now explled it expect that will be rather difficult to achieve

Gin: you seem in rather good spirits Nakamura, but remember if the rebels succeed then not only the ten but you'll lose your position as well, central will be dismantled and this great revolution of yours will be nothing but a dream

Azami: but if we win all of you insurgents are expelled for good, chef saiba will join me and I'll also have control over the totsuki resort chain as well thanks to Chef Dojima nothing could make me more satisfied

Joichiro: it's true if we lose I close up Yukihira for good

Takumi: I would like to point out right now that our only thought is getting our friends back and nkthing else, that is why we are doing this food war

Ren: Couldn't of said it better myself takumi

Soma: Yeah we're here to get back what you've taken

Azami: yes I understand

He takes out the school ids of everyone who was expelled

Azami: obviously, they will no longer be needing these, so I thought I would collect them

Somei: these are symbolic they represent that someone is a student of totsuki, 'they put their ids inside of Momo's toy much to her annoyance' this is a battle that must not be taken lightly, treating this as such as the true spirit of a warrior

Ren: Heh I couldn't agree more Chef Sato, a warrior should always show respect to his opponent and putting his life on the line and fighting eith all they've got is stone only true way of showing it

Somei: Well said

Tsukasa: if you want these back then come get them we'll fight you with everything we've got, trust us we'll take good care of them

Azami: by the way Erina for the regimental food war you will of course be a member of our team

Everyone is shocked

Soma: Hey wait hold on a second how come you get to decide that chef nakamura

Azami: I'm not sure what you find so confusing if I'm not mistaken the director and the ten occupy the top positions at central, Erina is the number the seat which means she's a member of central isn't that right, it's only natural that she fight against the insurgence

Ren grits his teeth: Nakamura!

Azami: your time away has ended Erina come home, I shall forgive no more of this foolishness of yours

Megumi: Erina no

Soma: this is bad Erina loses all her mojo when it comes to her evil dad

Erina: please father 'he's breaths in and out about 6 times' father I understand all that you have said which is why, I relinquish my seat in the council of ten. I am nothing but Just Erina nakiri now! If I do not do this then we'll I cannot call them my comrades

Ren smirks: (there's the Erina I remember)

Azami: I see, I never dreamed that you would try to challenge my ideals with your own so be it Erina if you lose though you will agree to another oxndiotn being expelled would be for to lenient for you, if you lose you will come and work for me for centrals sake for the reminder of your life, you will do as your father asks of you, you will not disobey me again agreed

Erina: yes

Ren: (dammit this guy just keeps giving me more reasons to hate his freaking guts)

Somei: Hey Ren I look forward too settling our battle make sure to have your blade sharpened to perfect

Ren: you've got Somei

Somei smirks and walks into the train

Rindo: Heh I've been wanting to challenge you since I saw your first food war as well so bring it Ren

Ren: you got it

Tsukasa: We shall settle this ocne and for all on rayboon island

Soma: yeah yeah

They leave

Soma: Haha hey Erina

Ren: umm

Erina looks fired up

Erina: We will rack up the victories in this food war, dissolve the current council of ten and I will take the number 1 place at the head of totsuki I fight to take my place as the one true queen, I will show that I should rule and you will all be servants in the employ of your great queen and should consder this as an honour

Takumi: wow she's not playing around I'd say the life of true queen sits her perfectly

Megumi: I'm just glad she's in good spirits again

Soma: forget that

Ren: Yeah screw that it sounded it stupid

Soma: I told you I will be taking the top spot!

Ren: No that spot belongs to me!

Erina: Commoners should watch what their mouths are saying

They all continue arguing

Joichiro: this really is something to see Erina I never thought I'd see you standing up to the fool father of yours

Soma: ok everyone get out your student ids

They give them all to Erina and tell her to show them the way to victory

And that's a wrap

Ooh I can't wait

And if you forgot I'm not doing season 5 because I thought it was stupid but don't fret I will be doing a few epilogue style chapters

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