Defending our home

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Ren: Alright until soma brings home a victory

We will defend kyoksei!

Yuki: Hose them down!

Then gang blasts then with water

Ren runs right in and sees a man holding a phone

Ren: oh you want to contact your boss do ya 'he smirks and punches the man in the face' sorry 'he grabs his phone and snaps it in half'


All: YEAH!

Ren is seen taking down countless men he is then faced with five at once

Men: he's just a kid!

Men: Let's get him!

Ren gives a toothy grin: bring it scumbags!

Ren rushes in and kicks the first in the family jewels which causes him to topple over so he uses him as a springboard too jump and round house kick another one in the face

Ren gives the come at me sign and the three rush at him all at once

Ren rushes right back but just before he reaches them he jumps and delivers an axe kick too the guy in the centre before landing on his hands and then pushing himself back onto his feet

Men: damn this kid is agile

Men: but he's still a kid

Ren: ugh and they call us stubborn

Ren rushes in and punches the 4th guy in the gut causes him too get winded and a lot of saliva is thrown out of his mouth

Ren rushes in and punches the 4th guy in the gut causes him too get winded and a lot of saliva is thrown out of his mouth

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Ren: you sure you wanna fight me

The man steps back he's clearly scared

Ren grins with satisfaction and rushes forward then trips over his final opponent before raising his fist for one last uppercut knocking out some teeth

Ren growls like a fearsome beast giving off a dark aura, the boy is not a shinobi he has become a demon

Ren growls: Whose next!

A lot more men appear

Ren: tch these guys never quit Alright if they wanna have their bones broken Then that's their fault!, I survived for three months in the Amazon rainforest!

He punches a guy in the face

Re;: which means!

He slams a guy too the ground with a shoulder throw

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now