I've arrived

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Takumi to Gin: I've been wondering about this for a while but why was director Azami obsessed with mr Saiba, so you even know what is the reason behind all of this

Ren: Oh he knows and he even told me but be prepared because this isn't an easy story

Gin: My son is right but you all have a right to know

Gin takes out a picture of himself, Joichiro, Akemi and Azami

Megumi: so this was taken when you where all students and that's

Ren: yeah that girl is my mother Akemi Dojima or as she was called then Akemi tokito 

Gin: I remember like it was yesterday, it was me, Joichiro and Akemi, me and Akemi met on our first day and started dating in our second year that was a great time in my life, Me and Joichiro's record of food wars is ever growing 121 with 20 wins and 101 losses

Takumi: wait seriously

Megumi: you have more losses then wins

Gin: The seats on the ten are designated not only for cooking skills but also for grades and academic achievements, of course Joichiro was the cream of the crop in terms of cooking but he always to class, he ignored all his duties on the ten and he used to cook these awful dishes

Takumi: oh don't tell me like father like son

Megumi: a chip off the old block huh

Gin: Soma is just like him then, then there's the 3rd seat Akemi, her cooking skill could rival mine and even Joichiro's in some areas but as for why she only got the third seat well, anytime someone annoyed her she'd beat the crap out of them until they apologised, they also didn't like that she carried an actual weapon everywhere

Takumi: oh great seems Ren Inherited more than his looks from his mother

Megumi: well that makes sense

Gin: hah yeah people say Ren is just like me but personally he shows way more of Akemi especially with the way he puts people in their place, anyway that's how I met them


They are at a massive party this is in their second year

Student: Congratulations on getting seats on the council of ten you three

Student: chef Joichiro, chef gin and chef Akemi are so cool

Fumio: not only did you all move up to second year but you all secured seats on the council of ten excellent work you three

Gin looks super tired and he's resting his head in Akemi's lap

Akemi is laughing at gin's expression

Som girls

Girl: Hey gin can we have your autograph

Akemi: Huh?! Back off!

Turns out Gin and Ren aren't the only one with fierce glares

Gin: thank you

Akemi: anything for you

They kiss right then and there

Gin: why'd you do that

Akemi: because I like you dumbass geez how can the smartest person in this school be so dense

Gin blushes: dammit haha well I like you too

Akemi: good not like you have much of a choice in this anyway mr number 1 seat

Gin sweat drops and looks flustered

Joichiro: Ok boys and girl let's have another showdown in the kitchen tonight

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now