Isshiki unleashed, Slaying the soba master

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Turns out Isshiki and Nene grew up together

But nene absolutely despises isshiki

That's when the judges arrive

Ren sees them: wait are they the W,G.O!

Zenji: The world gourmet organisation, they go about rating nice restaurants wiht three starts being their highest ranking, the organisation operates mainly through critics published once a year

Ren: Ywah when I worked at shinomiya's restaurant before the fall selection he got two stars it's an organisation that is both admired and feared by all chefs

Soma is admonished by one of them for a little bit everyone gets angry at him but then the judge makes them all shut up

Ren walks forward too the judges

Ren: it's nice to see you again

Judge 1: oh I remember you

Judge 2: yes you where at shino's where yiu not

Judge 3; and you gave us that splendid curry bun dish

Ren: yup that's me you know I improved it since then if I get the chance I'd love for you too try it

Judge 2: I'd be delighted too but for now don't you think you should focus teammates battling

Ren: oh it's fine, I'd trust those two with my life there's no way they are gonna lose, you hear that you two

Soma and Isshiki: Oh yeah!

Judge 1: Oh well I look forward too it then

Ren: Great

Ren walks back over to his teammates and relaxes against cage that his friends are in

Julio presents his dish, he uses eel and tomatoes, the umami and the fst of the eel with the rich flavours of the tomato

The judges try it and they are loving it the dish that has been created, is like a perfect music harmony making the judges have serious foodgasms

But isshiki has a few tricks up his sleeves using all of the amazing creations of his Kyoksei dormates

Isshiki: Itsamabushi eel Ala kyoksei

It looks just like a cheese risotto

The judges eat it

And foodgasms explode full of eel the cheese powers up the eel too unseen heights of deliciousness and that is pushed been further with a secret ingredient of garlic

Isshiki: I used the garlic chips, that my underclassmen made back at the dorm they where carefully smoked using a bounty of fresh walnut chunks, I thought I would be a good idea to use them as a topping for extra crunch and texture, as for how I made the garlic work well you can thank that little morsel of information too another of my underclassmen, although if we are really being honest it's the Konsai method of cooking, it's different from usual steam method native to kanto this method makes the meat nice and crispy and gives it an earthy flavour making it perfect with the added garlic I tossed on top, I found that dish instills the beauty of Shun's passion, Ren's relentless versatility and the sweat and tears Daigo and satos labour that's what makes it so tasty

Ren sweatdrops

Daigo: don't say that our sweat is instilled in stuff

Sato: that's just narly

Then he has a pot in front of them which turns out to be eel liver soup, simmered eels livers with garlic chips in olive oil alongside the rice juice that Ryoko and Zenji made alongside some fish stop, then finally the cheese that Yuki and meat meat where working on and of course the rissoto style was from our resident red head Soma Yukihira

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