The Stagier is complete

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Ren is working with soma and they have now both fully integrated themselves into the team and are both working flawlessly

Then the day is done

Soma: Well that's look to be about it for the soft open guess you can close a little early on the last day

Ren: Nah knowing Kojiro it's not over yet

Kojiro: Ren is right I've invited some other guests for a private engagement

The door opens too reveal the totsuki graduates and Roland

Hina: Hey there Kojiro!, what's going on with you two, Soma and Ren what are you two doing here

Ren: oh did Fuyumi not tell you

Soma: We are here for the stagier

Hina: What! 'To Kojiro' I can't believe you'd pass me over for these two why didn't you let me help you with soft opening

Kojiro: did you forget thay you have your own restaurant idiot

Ren: Hey Fuyumi nice too see ya again

Fuyumi: yeah looks like you've coped pretty well that assholes not giving you too much trouble is he

Ren: No in fact he's mellowed out quite a bit he's on his way too actually being a decent person

Fuyumi: Wow so people can change amazing

Kojiro: hey shut up!

Ren greets the rest of them

Roland is proud Kojiro

Then another woman walks in

Kojiro: Welcome to shino's madam

?: Oh whi are you calling madam I don't need your high class fancy talk Kojipoo

Ren's eyes widen: (that's Kojiro's mother)

Kojiro's mother: i aught to jerk a nod in your tail, you haven't come home in years and now you're dragging me too Tokyo

Kojiro: I felt guilty about all that so I figured I'd bring you out here

Kojiro's mother: I don't like coming to places like this, doing alright pumpkin

Kojiro: I'm good mumsy wumsy, I'm getting by

Ren: (what the hell is going on)

Ren just watches all the totsuki graduates enjoy the food and he has a warm smile on his face

Kojiro: Hey Ren I figured you deserve a dish too go on eat up

Ren: uhh really

Kojiro: of course what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't let my little bro eat my cooking for real

Ren blushes: thanks I appreciate it

Kojiro: now go and eat

Ren: right thanks

Ren finds a table and eats the food

Ren: (amazing just like the day we met)

Ren has flashes about when he first met Kojiro, he fought him in a culinary battle and lost badly but Kojiro pulled him back up and taught him about French cuisine
They used too practise together for hours on end and then Kojiro donated his time to getting his reward and Ren spent more time at the diner
Ren had never had any siblings to be born with but over time he had a big family
First was Soma who became an amazing brother
Then there was Alice who seemed like a sister but then grew too be way more than that
Then there was Ryo the strong brother Ren flinders that he could compete with and always gave him the drive too keep getting better
Then came the the totsuki graduates first was Kojiro, then Fuyumi, them Hinako and soon Ren was being taught but amazing masters in various ways it was amazing

Ren has an unbelievably warm feeling spread through his body

Kojiro: Ren are you done eating

Ren: yeah why

Kojiro: I want you too use that new dish of yours but instead of entering it into the competition you serve it right now for everyone here

Ren gasps

Ren: Alright Who wants to have a taste of my new specialty!

Hinako: Ooh me me!

Fuyumi: Definitely I'd love to try it again but something sweet this time sounds great

Roland: Of course! I'd love to try it!

Hitoshi: Absolutely

Donato: Of course

Ren: Great! What about you madam

Kojiro's mother: Of course if kojipoo trusts you then I trust you too

Ren: then Get ready for some great food!

Ren rushes into the kitchen after thing his hair up

Fuyumi: that kid

Kojiro: Seriously

Kojiro's mother: You never shut up about him do you, you always called him annoyed but you had a smile on your face

Kojiro: ssh he can hear you

Ren: yes I can!

Ren is seen in the kitchen cooking up a storm

Then after not too long each guest as a pastry laid out in front of them

Ren: As you may notice This looks awfully similar to my curry bun I made in the fall selection but this one has been pushed far beyond

They all bite into it

Fuyumi: Incredible this flavour is unbelievable

Roland smiles: It realty does fuse French and Japanese cousin e this could only be done by someone who has studied both of them too such an extent

Ren: This bun is made out of three layers

One layer is completely filled up with chocolate that is also merged with the dough

Then after that is

Hinako: It's the curry but unlike last time

Ren: yup this one is just straight up curry all spicy and glorious but when you get too the third layer

Kojiro's mother: is this Ice cream!

Ren: actually I'd call it Glacé since this ice cream was made entirely with the French method

First you got the layer of soft a calm chocolate too get that appetite going, this is the Japanese part known for having a rich and creamy texture

Then the fusion is the curry using the same style I did back in the fall selection you are hit by a powerful blast of heat this spice is my own personal recipe made right here in Japan by my mother

And then finally you've got the French ice cream too cool yourself down

Hitoshi: It's an eternal cycle of sweetness and spice it just makes you want too keep eating it

Donato: Unbelievable the fact he was able to push his first very simple dish and turn it into something like this shows unbelievable improvement

All: It's delicious!

Ren: And that's a wrap! You wanna try one Kojiro I made one for you two soma

Soma: oh yeah!

Kojiro walks over: Sure

They both take a bite and have an intense reaction like the others

Soma: unbelievable this is way better than the curry bun you made it's in a completely different league

Kojiro: Alright Ren you've passed the Stagier

Ren: Thank you big bro Kojiro!

Kojiro: Don't call me that!

Everyone in the room laughs

Kojiro's mother leaves after bidding goodbye to ren as well

Ren: Alright soma isn't it your turn now

Soma: Right!

And that's as wrap

Stopping it there because I want too and I ironically am really hungry

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