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One month later...

"I can't do this..."

I sobbed as I sat on the couch of the white walled, brown furniture living area of my therapist home.

It was a month and this was the third time I came to see him in actual person.

He was an older man, standing at the height of six foot four. Midnight black hair tousled on his head with a pair of light brown eyes as it heavily set trained on mine. In between those eyes, his nose had a curved bridge as it bends at the tip.

Gabriele's jaw was structured out into a oval shape with a pointed chin as he held it with a hand, while he thrummed his fingers on the surface of his office desk.

"Yes you can. I believe in you Red. Since we've became close over the few months that I've become your therapist, you've let me see how much of a strong young woman you are. You remind me of a flowers that I currently have in my back yard, no matter how much sun light and water I gave to that flower it still refuses to grow among the cracks of the dirt."

"Did I let this stop me? no, I wanted this flower to grow regardless of the length of time it took and as I continued to fed it with the same process for one year, one faithful morning I went out and saw how graciously beautiful the flower had grown. As it regards to length, it even pass some of the other flowers that I had before. So Red, give yourself time to grow. It is okay to grief the love of your life, just know that your extensive growth is coming. Just go through the tears."

I closed my eyes as he continued. Tears flooding my cheeks as I remembered that Lorenzo was stuck in a coma, he was suffering from a gunshot to the heart and to what the future hold for me now? I don't know but I am willing to take comfort.

"Go through your pain. It is all apart of the process."

"This is where true maturity begins when you're able to be vulnerable and is able to accept the fact that you can't make it, yet in spite of that unsure battle, you are able to find new ways to overcome while you mourn."

"Self patience is very important as well, it is okay to allow yourself to grow even when it looks as if all hope is gone."


The musky temperate scent of Lorenzo wrapped around me as I sat in the black Ferrari Roma he allowed me to drive couple months ago before we left to New York.

When I blocked out from punching Artem's fucking face, I woke up in the private Black's hospital with Xamuela sleeping on me as Sveva and Viviana told me all that went down.

Even though I didn't get the chance to kill Nava, I was still happy that he and Ludovica got what they deserve by Fire.

Nava shouldn't have died so easily, my best friend was still dead but what could I do now, I can't changed the pass.

Eventually we all flew back to Italy, I didn't want to at first, fearing what would actually happen to Lorenzo but Fire, ever the optimist as well as Xami told me that everything would be okay.

I thought Sveva would be somehow sad about Rafael's betrayal but she told me that this was one of the reason why she and the man had major complications because he was always blinded by money.

I would have never thought of that, seeing that Rafael upfronted a great personality but you never know a real person until their true color shows itself.

Closing my eyes, I listened to the fireflies of the night, my thoughts simmering about Lorenzo and his promise to me about our first date that we didn't get to have because of our struggles.

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