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"Come in." Nava's tone echoed through the door, I twisted the knob and push the door forward. I walk through the entrance, closing the door behind me for privacy and took in my boss who was currently sitting around his desk, files and laptop on the surface with his tie hanging loosely around the neck.

He brush his fingers through blonde hair and greeted me with a charming smile on his full pink lips. Nava stood and pop open the first three buttons on his white long sleeve shirt then shoved his hands into his pocket with his gun tucked safely in the holster on the side of his waist along with his badge.

"Officer Red, I must applaud you seeing that this is your first time being punctual." Nava chuckled and then sit on the corner of his desk.

It wasn't a lie though, how I wasn't fired or was put on suspension for late coming was beyond me.

"Thank you? I honestly can't blame my dog for this one." I chuckled to which he smiled and stretch out a hand toward the seat.

"Have a seat, no?"

Accepting his generosity, I sat down after handing him the documents and then cross my thigh over the other. "What do you have in store for me boss."

"Straight down to business, I see." He nod and then pick up a document beside him.

Before he handed it to me he stared deep into my eyes in warning. "Red this investigation is important to both you and to the citizen of this city."

Frowning, I folded my arms and tilt my head to the side. A mean yeah, protecting the voice of the people is our job but based on how he's acting, inwardly I felt like this investigation was less about the public. "I know you might be wondering why I said this and as a result for further explanation this case is about your late fiancé River Caruso Greco."

My breathing stopped as I heard his name, Nava breathed a sigh and continued. "Red I am advising you to not get emotionally attach to the investigation taking in the fact that it is illegal and will go against the court because I am allowing you to do this under personal reasoning."

"How can you ask me not to get emotionally attach. Seriously Nava, River was my fiancé and I'm beginning to come into terms with what happened, I'm healing okay and I do not want this to blow up into my face. I-I don't think I'll be able to carry out the investigation Chief." I clasp both side of my face with my palms and shook my head in disagreement.

What makes him think that I'd be able to go under pretense into the territory of my fiancé's killer and obtain evidence without them noticing that I was not one of them which would get me killed? thinking about it, I almost scoffed at the thought.

Standing up to his full height, Nava crossed his arms and said. "Because I believe in you Red, don't tell me that all those extra combat lessons you had taken up over the past thirteen months had gone to waste. You've trained for this exact moment and I know if you allow this opportunity to pass up you'd hate yourself."

"Besides this isn't your first undercover job, you have the experience. All you need to do is apply them and rely on your strength because you have it within you."

I closed my eyes and accepted his words of truth knowing that I needed to hear it. This is what I always wanted, to avenge the death of the man who thought of me in ways I have never seen myself. I was a hypocrite and hearing Nava's words affirm it to the damn core and this pushes me to do that one thing that I've been hiding to do for a year now.

Tossing him a smile, I replied. "Thanks for that. River was lucky to have you as his best friend."

"He's more like my brother." Nava smiled down at me softly and lick his lips.

Clearing my throat I scanned my eyes over the document, reading the description clearly. "So what role is expected of me to take on."

"You are to take on the role of a nanny to the notorious Don's Lorenzo Black's daughter in Venice Italy. Your name is Aurora Lopez who is an afro Colombian woman who has been living in Venice for the past three years. Based on the file built for you, you have a year of experience in the profession caregiving."

Frowning, my eyes read the lines and I butted in. "It says here that my English accent is profound...a mean my Spanish accent is still evident as we speak so how is that going to work."

Nava wave his hands to dismiss my words. "Don't mind that, I have understand your question just now, have I not?"

I shrugged to which he only chuckled and said. "That my dear should be the least of your problem. Go home and skim through the information, you'll be leaving for Italy the day after tomorrow, sì?"

Agreeing I begin to stand, I walked over to the door and was about to leave when Nava spoke up from behind me. "Remember Red, gather enough information in the form of an audio, documents or's important so that it can help with building a case for River, I know you can handle yourself so make me proud."

I throw him a soft smile and left the station after collecting the small listening devices I used when going undercover. When I made it behind the steering, I decided to stop at the florist and bought a fresh bouquet of blue roses.

With a certain place in mind, I checked the time to see that it was just midday so I had a lot of time on my hand before Rosa and I went out to the newly open restaurant called Papi Zest.

Parking just outside the entrance of the cemetery, I switched the keys to cut off the engine and with much fight, I found myself hesitating to leave the vehicle.

Come on girl you can do it...

My subconscious, finally acting like the mature being for once, encouraged me and I gave into the courage.

Fully accepting it with open arms as the tears began to flow, I sniffled and locked the car door behind me. Chin held high as I walked towards the burial spot that belong to the man that my squeezing heart missed.

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