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A wince hissed through my lips as my fingers trembles from the pain centering at the back of my thigh, I took up the tall bottle of whisky that I found which was tucked away in the corner of the room, and took a full blown swing from the head.

I couldn't ask anyone to help me with my situation and it was fine, I just have to make sure that Lorenzo doesn't figured out that I was the one who was there last night.

With the bullet out of the wound which wasn't lodge too deep and took me half an hour to remove, I looked over my shoulder through the bathroom glass and inspect the open cut, blood gathered around the injured tissue of my dark skin and I sterilize it with some of the whisky then proceeded to wrapped a bandage around it.

I check the time on my phone and it lightens: 7:30 am.

I bit my bottom lip to stop my self from screaming out in pain as I turn my body around. It induce the side of my eyes in tears but I pushed through the pain and sniffles as I replace my dark brown red eyes with the hazel contact lenses.

I hop my way into the room and thank the Lord that my suitcase was still residing beside the bed. My hands pulled out the long sleeve maxi mesh dress which would settle to the floor and cover up my impending wound.

As I swing the dress over my head and pulled it down over my body, I decided to head down before Xamuela wakes up so that when she comes down she'd get her breakfast at 8 a.m.

Salt was sleeping peacefully on the pillows and a soft smile graced my lips when I saw how much he has grown over the passed few days. Pity I haven't been spending enough time with him and I felt bad as a dog mom.

I swipe my finger on his forehead and press my lips there. "I'm sorry Salt, I promise I'm gonna make it up to you."

His ears perked up but he didn't make any signs of movements and I pouted. Leaving the room, I grip the handle on the stairs, teeth sinking into my tongue as the pain worked my body.

When I reached the bottom steps, I stop as I heard Fire and Lorenzo talking in the living room.

"Don't give me that, I said I need you to find her." The anger was clear in his voice and my heart dropped at that.

"Bu-but Lorenzo, there isn't much for me to find. I allowed Rafael to searched the surveillance camera at the club and nothing was shown on the brown-eyed, thick ass woman you have set on finding."

"Do you think she's working with Pesci?" Fire asked and I shut my eyes closed as instant sound of glass shattering echoed off the walls and I can just imagine how frustrated the Don is.

"I don't fucking know but you are going to find out who that bitch is and if you don't...."

"Alright, Alright, jeeze I'll see what I can do."

Masking the pain I was feeling, I swallowed down the screamed as I hummed to withhold the groan that wanted to slip through and I began walking, trying my best not to limp.

The men notice me as I made myself known, Fire grinned and then wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Aurora, great seeing you. I thought you quit." He chuckled and I wince as he tighten his hold around my waist, my eyes looked over his shoulders at Lorenzo who had a hand stretch over the back of the couch as he slumped down further into the seat, his thighs were stretch apart with dark eyes set into mine.

I prayed to God he didn't see through my masked emotion, Fire removed his body from me and then stepped away as he asked.

"What plans do you have for the day, do you mind if I be your tail for the remaining hours."

I scrunched up my face at the fact that this big baby would be following me around but then again, I enjoyed his company.

I would just have to be prepared to listen to him and Xam go on and on about childish things.

"I was going to bring Xam to the playground because she has a playdate since I cut it short the last time, so if you're fine with that then you can tag along." I said and Fire grinned and nodded in confirmation.

I kept my eyes away from Lorenzo who was still burning me with his stare as I made my way to the kitchen.

Deciding to start on Xami's breakfast, I took out some eggs, spinach, cheese, white beans and tortillas out to whip up quesadilla's.

I set the machine to brew a cup of coffee and with my back turned to the kitchen door, I gasped as musk and spices breached into my personal space, it paused my hands which was whisking up the eggs and milk.

His chest pressed against the back of my head, and if that wasn't enough for him he placed both of his hands on either side of me to settle on the counter, his forearms had unmistakable veins and I licked my lips, closing my eyes and praying to God he wouldn't see how much pain I was in.

"Are you okay, Miss. Lopez.." He questioned above me and I was panicking inside, tossing the questions around if he knew what I did.

I cleared my throat and bend under his forearm to escape his scent then walk over to the stove where the skillet was heating up.

"Why do you ask Mr. Black?"

"How about the fact that your eyes are slightly squeezed and your eyebrows are lowered, common facial expressions of pain. Now tell me."

I listened as he came up behind me but this time he put some space between us and I was glad because his presence was becoming overbearing.

"Why are you limping?"

Thinking of something quick I blurted out. "I had sex!"

Silence. There was silence for a good two minutes until he grip me by the hand, his heated skin sinking under the surface of my skin and I let out a gasp.

He spined me around and narrowed his dark eyes on mine, the scar on his face making him out to be a dangerous hunk of a beast as he clenched his jaw, eyes darkening further than it already is. Seems almost pitch black.

My chest rose and fell at his pissed off expression, it drops and bend the temperature of the room and like always goosebumps glided across my skin.

"I fucking hope your joking. You can't do shit like that in my fucking house while on the job Miss. Lopez. Now I don't know if I want to fire you for your poor decorum or kill the mother fucker who had the guts to do it with you in my house."

My mouth drop open at his odd behavior and watch as he left the kitchen pissed off. He run his fingers through his hair and if his behavior wasn't weird enough, he punched the walls which sent a crack in the surface.

"Merda." He cursed underneath his breath and continued saying it until he was out of ear-shot.

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