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Sinking the bullets into the three men standing at the entrance of the large brown double doors before us.

I grinned and watched as Lorenzo shifted their bodies out of the way to make entry, that was until we halt at the loud moans coming from behind doors.

"It look as if little miss Ludovica is a bit preoccupied." Lorenzo mocked and I snickered.

"Maybe we came at the wrong time."

"In her books it maybe wrong but this shit is only perfect."

As we both decided to enter, I paused in alertness.

A set of footsteps came around the corner of the hall in my hearing and I quickly bring both of my hands up that held the gun, pointing it to the man who was running towards us.

"Don't shoot, I-I just want to stop you guys before you went in." Rafael said in panic, it should have sent warning signs to us but I was beginning to lean into that untrust feeling Lorenzo had about him.

Lorenzo took me by the shoulder and pushed me behind him. "I don't want to hear what you have to say Rafael, just know that the clock is ticking until my bullets speak to your fucking heart for your betrayal."

Even from here I could sense Rafael panic and the things he did for me took the front seat for a moment...

It was so hard to gain trust for the very friends that hurt you before. Nava did it and now Rafael too?

So his saving me couple months ago from Lorenzo's office was what point really?

What could he have actually gained from saving my ass from Lorenzo and helping me killed Artem's step-brother?


Alertness shot through me as I heard a loud grunt, I snap my eyes to a bleeding Rafael who was on his knees, holding his nose as Lorenzo kicked the office door which sent it flying open.

Instant anger replaced conscious thought at the sight before me. My stomach turned in disgust as I saw an older woman Ludovica, naked with her thighs on either side of a groaning Nava, bouncing away on his dick.

The naked couple stopped at the opening of the door, turn to us and grinned.

"Now that the wait is over, we were actually anticipating you my dearest Lorenzo to come and visit your long lost favorite aunt." Ludovica mocked and I scoffed as Nava latched his lips unto her neck and began to bit it.

"All thanks to your little CSI friend."

As she said that a loud gun shot echoed through the room and that had me looking over my shoulder, my eyes on the man who I haven't seen in a year.

The pale skin mother fucker who used me for his gain. Artem Pesci.

I watched as blood dripped down from Rafael's nostrils, his eyes wide as he dropped to the ground.

Artem was standing behind him with a gun as he shot him in the head.

He held my gaze and smirk, the movement did nothing but sent anger through my system.

"I told you, I was only doing you a favor." He drifted his light blue eyes over to Lorenzo as he said that.

Lorenzo's frame shifted instantly to an aura of sternness, it dropped the temperature of the room and even as I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, the severity from his frame was too much. His anger was too much that it tilt off my breathing.

He was deadly silent and I knew his silence meant brutality.

"Oh please that bastard was the one who told me that you..." Artem pointed at me as he pace the room.

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