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51. Lorenzo

"How much more was stolen?" I asked Fire who had a laptop on his lap.

Fire shaved his blaring red hair into a low fade buzz, a zig-zag neatly cut at the side of his head. The light from the laptop illuminate his face as he lift a tatted hand and scratch this jawline.

He was dressed in a double breasted dark green suit with a white shirt underneath.

Axel pop a blunt into his mouth and lit it in smoke. His large muscular dark skin frame was in a double breasted suit, designed with one side in white while the other side was gray which matched his eyes.

He cut his hair into a fade and a wave length. With black rings on his fingers.

Cirano was currently driving us through the city of Madrid in Spain towards a gala event that I was invited to.

"Since Rafael left I can't say this enough, everything under the name of technology that includes protecting our organization's information is now left vulnerable which again gives Artem the upper hand to steal approximately $50 million dollars from you just within seven months."

He sighed and then said. "Lorenzo if we don't do something about this then we are going to have a serious problem. Yes, we recently now secured the deal and replaced our then drug dealer Federico Amato and yes, our 60% mark of drugs is our main operation but if we don't do something about protecting our account. Best believe we will suffer."

Problem. That seems to be the main bitch in my life.

Except for providing the warmth that a tight pussy holds, it only seems to bring a life of stress.

Since Red left me bleeding on the floor of my office taking away her fake hazel eye contacts which concealed her natural dark brown iris.

Her absence, crumbled my life right at my very feet.

My daughter has locked me out. Brutally so.

Only seeking comfort in Fire and it hurts me. She hated me because she thought I was the one who caused Red to leave.

To make matters worst, I fell into the hands of deception, allowing Artem Pesci to use me.

He knew how I would react if he was the one who showed who Aurora...

That name always taste strange and now I know why.

Red, I closed my eyes as I inwardly said her name.

He knew how I would react if he showed me who Red really was, something I was oblivious to for two months.

She left me bleeding, the gunshot within the side of my stomach which painted the floor red with my anger increase the need to have her in my arms.

The need was too strong that it knocks me out.

Fire and Axel bruised from a fight with Red and Rafael, took me to the Black's hospital built by River and there I spent the next month and a half, trying to heal.

Lost in thick clouding thoughts as reality hit me with my guilt eating me raw.

Sleep became my enemy when I sent Fire to go back to River's home which was apparently in Red's name and checked the surveillance footage in that area from a year ago.

A loophole Artem missed. My gut feeling was in thick effect as I became suspicious about the clip Artem sent.

And when the raw truth of the footage played out right in front of my eyes, I almost crushed the four walls that help to support the hospital room, I was placed in.

I was angry with myself for letting Red go and for nearly killing her.

I admired her strength even in the eyes of death she stared me right in the face with my gun deep in her throat, tears soaking her dark cheeks and it ripped my heart apart.

And the question that I always asked myself daily came back to mind again...

What if Rafael didn't save her?

She would have died by my hands and I didn't know what I would do then after finding out the real truth.

I promised myself to her on that night that I would find her when she left me bleeding and I meant it. Even if it was the last thing that I'd do.

The ends of this earth will burn at my hands through search, the ground of the earth will crack at my persistence and when I do find her. She will never leave my arms, my home, my child never again.

Licking my lips, I said. "Let's focus on getting into the gala tonight after that we can delved into a methodical scheme to fix that and to put an end to Artem."

And to also get back that dark skin woman in my life...

Fire sighed and gave up in reminding me again that this was urgent.

Cirano pulled up to the Madrid Museum of Art which was a invite-only hosted by Xavi.

I prepared my self for the hectic amount of reporters outside and when the door of the limousine was open, I flipped the custom tailored made leather checkered black and white suit jacket over my shoulders and step across the red carpet in a black leather, white bottom loafers.

"Mr. Black who tailored your distinctive suit for the night!"

"Where is your date?"

"What are your thoughts on Xavi's achievements?"

One leg of my pants was leather black while the other was leather black and white checkered. I ignored the questions they throw at me. Keeping my eyes forward with one thought in mind and that is getting close to Xavi.

It was required to come to the gala with a woman at my side but the thought of another woman touching me other than Red pisses me off.

The two security at the doors instantly nods their head as they see me then opened the door.

I took the steps down into the slightly packed ball room. Every one paused what they were doing and then created a huge space for us to walk as we strolled across the floor.

I ignored their stare, nodding to Fire and Axel who both parted ways to take their place for what I had up my sleeve.

Instant chatter took full effect after our entrance and for once, I eased myself into conversation with a few business men.

Strengthening allies and forming work relationships with new investors to my company. Through out all of this, I kept my self on high alert, searching the room for Xavi.

I believed in the line, a life for a life.

And that was what I was here to do. Xavi Valentino was Artem's drug dealer, their relationship known in the mafia world was tight seeing that they were step brothers.

Artem killed River out of pure jealousy but my presence here tonight was not out of resentment, no, I was here, my very walking, breathing, thinking form was about malevolence...


Apparently, Artem and Nava were both absent, the last location Rafael had gotten on Artem was true but when I got there the fucker was gone.

He knew I was in New York and it was his play ground so I had to get my hands dirty and that is murdering his step ol brother to pull him out.

"Mr. Black, I'll be sure to take you up on that offer. I'll contact you in regards to the land when I return back to Italy tomorrow sì?"

I shook hands with Mr. Abati, a man who owned a large number of oil wells back in Italy. He tap my shoulder and stepped to the side to leave and just as he step away from me, my breath stopped as well as my heart when that scent.

That warm scent of hers conditioned into my mind and like a ticking bomb, I swallowed, eyes tightly trailing on a large backside which rock from side to side.

Her long black hair sways as she walked just within my reached and before I know it, I fell into thick steps behind her.

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