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I slipped on the wet blouse over my head and followed behind the shirtless brooding Don, smoke flooded behind me as he indulge in a blunt.

An uncomfortable silence hang over us with the remainder of our conversation and I sighed as my tears, stained my cheeks.

Lorenzo paused at the small door as his phone rang, he puffed a cloud of smoke and bend his head to go under the door as he answered.

I was closed behind him so I picked up Rafael's voice. "Boss you need to come to Sin fast, we just picked up location on that bastard."

Lorenzo grunted in response and I could smell his anger as it simmers into the darkness. We both went back into the dark house and I shivered as I watched him.

I wanted to go but decided to stay, didn't want Lorenzo to connect the dots to his suspicion.

He threw on his hoodie and in quick fast strides, he went up to the front door and disappeared behind it as he slammed it shut.

It rattles the poor hinges and I decided to get a late night shower. When I entered the room, I stripped off the wet clothes and walk underneath the shower head.

As the cold water spurted out, I washed myself with the shower gel and decided to text Rafael for some additional information.

When I finished spitting out the last of the toothpaste and water, I walked into my room and through my still unpacked suitcase, I pulled out a black satin shorts set.

With my nightly routine in set, I left my bedroom and pulled open Xam's door. Every night I made it a routine to check up on the toddler before I go to bed.

The sight before me though have me rushing over to her as I saw her struggling in a twist as she cried silently in her nightmare.

I sat beside her and held the side of her face. "Xam, princess wake up."

She stopped and snap her eyes open, her body was wet in sweat and my heart squeezed from the panic behind her brown eyes.

She instantly latched her self into my side and began to sob and with my chin on the top of her head, I closed my eyes as I let her cry while I calmed her down.

After some time she eased back and then stared up at me with watered eyes. "Can you sleep with me please Aurora?"

I smiled and nodded at her, she settles under her purple sheets and I laid on my side, I listen as her breaths even out and then I allow my eyes to close as the quietness swept over the room.


A soft surge of breath, trailed across my eyelids and I slip my eyes open and realize that Salt was sleeping on my neck.

I softly put him to the side to not bother him out of his sleep but his ears perk up as I shuffled my body.

I looked over at Xamuela to see her gazed, so focus above her as she stared up at her glass ceiling as white clouds drifted across the blue sky.

"Xam what's wrong?"

"Do you want me Miss. Lopez?" She whispered as she stared over at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

I frowned at her question and asked. "Of course Xam. Where is this question coming from?"

Xam flew across the bed and instantly hugged me. Stunned, I hugged her back as she began to sob.

"Please don't leave me."

I felt bad and I wanted to know if her nightmare bring this on.

"Is it because of your dream?"

She nodded and then drifted back as she played with her fingers. "I feel like papa does not love me, he left me in the dream and I cried for him to come back but he didn't."

"He's going to leave me too like mama."

She began to cry and I breathed a sigh. "Xam it is just a dream okay? Papa will not leave and if he does I will beat him up for you."

She giggles and then tilt her chin up. "Even through sadness, I should still keep my chin up."

I high fived her and then I allowed her to brush her teeth and get a shower, this took her mind off the nightmare but I decided that I needed to talk to Lorenzo.

He hasn't been spending much time with Xamuela and from the sadness still in her eyes, I knew she needed her father's comfort that a nanny couldn't provide.

After a few minutes, I took her down and asked her what she wanted to eat for breakfast. She cheekily asked for pizza and I told her no, Lorenzo didn't put that on the list.

But then again, she was feeling sad so I eventually gave in and ordered three large boxes.

As the afternoon brushed in, Xam and I was seated in the living room watching an animated cartoon when I heard the front door open.

Lorenzo came in with a laptop in hand, still dressed in the outfit from the night before.

He had a pissed off expression as his jaw rocked with a light beard around the squared structure.

I decided to speak with him regarding the matter seeing that it was still weighing on me.

"Lorenzo, can I speak with you for a moment."

Without glancing at me, he nodded and then I decided to took him out to the lawn where Salt was growling and playing with Lorenzo's golden doodle.

"You need to make this quick, I'm busy at the moment." He folded his arms as he narrowed his eyes at me.

The uncomfortableness was still there from last night but in spite of it, I held my ground and said.

"Xami had a nightmare last night and I felt like, in result to that, she feels as if you don't want her."

He scoffed and run his fingers through his hair. "You took me out here to tell me about a stupid nightmare, she should know that I won't do that. Did you let her see that?"

Was this man righteous in the head?

"Are you fucking kidding me? seriously can you hear your self."

"I am not deaf Miss. Lopez, I can perfectly hear just fine."

I gape up at him and without thinking I slap him across the face which snap his head to the side.

"Mr. Black, your fucking absence is affecting your daughter, does that not say anything to your stuck up self you bastard. She needs you to be there! What in that you don't fucking understand."

I screamed at him and I swear to God, this was honestly the first I've ever felt this much anger, not even the death of River have ever angered me this much.

He slowly bring his head from the side to me, a darkness behind those already dark eyes and if I was any other person, I would have run from him then and there.

But he didn't scare me.

He instantly grab both of my hands and swing them around my back which spin me around quickly.

With my back now on his chest, he bring his lips to my ears and as the anger pumps through my system he warned.

"Don't ever fucking raise your voice at me, again, you understand." He pressed his bulge on my back and I rock my jaw as anger and the pleasure from his bulge sent a tingle through my spine.

"The next time you do, I'll push my gun so far down your fucking throat that I'll play around and pull the fucking trigger. Don't test me."

Then he left.

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