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Xamuela's voice faded into the background as I sliced her grapes for her to handle easier for her breakfast, I plated them into a bowl and decided to give her, her favorite cereal that I was strictly advise to served with cold milk.

In spite of my current work, lack of understanding rocked my system as I thought about last night. How I left the club was now the top of the morning question that have me tilting my lips down into a frown.

"Shit! Lord what did I do to deserve this. It's still early in the fucking morning." I heard Fire cursed from behind me and I looked over my shoulder as the large man rolled his eyes at a grinning Xamuela who had punched him in the arm.

Rafael snorted as he came in with the overdramatic man and said. "Bruh, I swear to God, Lorenzo is gonna shoot you in the face one of these days if you don't stop using bad words around his child."

Fire scoffed and folded his arms across his chest as he poked Xamuela's nose which had the child huffing. "No words aren't bad. You can look into the dictionary and you'll find them, if they were bad as you say why did they put them there."

Rafael shook his head to which Fire throw up his hands and said.

"Alright you don't believe me, I'll kindly list them for you."

"Ahem." He cleared his throat, took out his phone then smirked as he looked at us each.

"According to the webster dictionary, Fuck: Verb, fucked, fucking; fucks. Usually obscene or usually vulgar-"

"Alright we get it." Rafael pressed his hands over Xamuela's ears as Fire continued.

"Papa is gonna kick your butt Uncle Fire."

I amusedly watched as Fire verbalize them with a lot of passion.

"Shit: Noun. Plural, shits. Vulgar: bodily waste discharged through the anus... in other words an asshole."

He paused and then pointed to Xam. "Like you."

I laughed and move across to serve Xamuela who gave Fire a middle finger. "Fire please be reminded that this is the only job that pays me well, I do not want to get fired because you can't control your mouth. It needs a lot of bleach."

Fire snickered and then stole one of the grapes and pop it into his mouth which eventually started a full blown childish fight with Xam and him.

Shaking my head, I went over to the machine to brew some coffee and almost screamed when I felt a presence behind me.

"Rafael what the fuck." I held my beating chest and kissed my teeth to which he laughed.

He folded his arms and leaned against the counter while running his eyes over my face. I raised an eyebrow at his stare until he asked. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "Yeah why shouldn't I be?"

"I was the one who took you home last night and from the state I found you in, I thought you'd stay in for the day."

I press my finger on the small cut on my forehead and wince from the sudden pulse there. "Oh my God thank you, did you even got me out of there?"

Rafael breathed a sigh and pulled open the cupboard then took out three tea-cups. "You're lucky I got to you on time because that smoke would have caused you a major brain damage."

I shivered as I thought back to last night.

"You sure about that? Because those fucking bullets have markings on them which match your fingerprints." Lorenzo's voice deepens as it bounce off the walls of the basement, Rocco trembled above the large pool that didn't failed to highlight his fear in a light blue.

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