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Pain. This is all I felt, it slid across my body as I held both of my hands into a fist to the front of my face as the brute before me tried to produce punches to my jaw.

Heavy showers from the night rain soaked our frame as I fought him at the side of the mansion, the door towards the kitchen area was right behind him and I needed to get into the mansion before Lorenzo and his men reached there before I did.

He swing a fist towards me but I bend my head under his hand to avoid it and then swing my fisted hands towards his chest.

I needed to kill Ludovica by myself whether Lorenzo like it or not. And this bastard has taken up almost most of my damn time since I've came to this side of the mansion.

I didn't fail to show him how much his lingering fight means to me as the punch that I gave him have him grunting.

His body snapped into the wall of the mansion and with enough anger fueling the pain in my system, I slip out my gun, pointed it in his direction and pulled the trigger into his forehead.

Blood seeps into my ski mask as I watched his body fall to the wet ground, my system congeals in alert as I notice that the hour was up which means that the other guard was here to do his shift.

I cursed underneath my breath and before I could defend my self, he tackled me to the wet lawn, the dark night and rain concealing his face but I didn't miss the smirk.

"This was a new bodysuit and you're gonna pay for messing this shit up." I gritted my teeth.

He laughed coldly, Italian accent strong like a brewing coffee as he position his body above me. "I like your anger, it's cute coming from a little bella."

Not liking his mockery, I wrapped my legs around his back, locking him close to my body. He tried to produce punches left and right but I bend both of my hands up to block them and then reached up and dragged his head down to my chest.

My clothes was soak as it tightly gripped my body from the heavy rain fall that fell on us and to make matters worst, my stomach was still in pain from the rash decision I did earlier from my jump.

Hence, I didn't appreciated this man's body odor either which was strongly coming from his mouth.

A mean his nose was right above his mouth don't tell me that he's nasty enough to ignored the obvious scent coming from there...

I snickered from my subconscious.

Gritting my teeth as I kept his head down, the fucker continued to shift his body up to escaped my hold but I held unto his neck, my thighs still wrapped around him tightly.

I spread my knees, drop a leg and uses my other knee to swing our bodies around. I was now on top of him and with my gun still in my hand, I sink the muzzle to the throbbing pulse in his neck.

"Piccola stronzetta!" (You little bitch)

A smirk curved my lips and I whispered. "See you in hell.." I pulled the trigger and didn't wait around to see him took his last breath.

The annoyance of the wet bloody ski mask on my face was cringy so I took it off and throw it down on the ground as I used my shoulders to open the door and brute force my way into the dark kitchen, a pile of bodies scattering the floor and I pinched my nose.

What I hated now more than ever was seeing Lorenzo who was driving his fist into the face of a guard before him.

I was about to step in to kill the guard that was sneaking up behind him but he turn in a block attack, the Don uses both of his hands and swing them into the upcoming fist towards his, grab the hand then twist it then stretched his leg out to kick the man's knee which had the guard tripping and falling down into a series of grunts.

"I told you not to come Red! Why are you so fucking hard of hearing." He grunted without looking at me.

I position the gun towards the first guard he was fighting then pull the trigger towards his face seeing that he was about to attack Lorenzo from the back.

"I wasn't about to stay back and watch you have all the fun." I mocked while proceeding into my sense of hearing as multiple footsteps ran from the staircase.

"Wait until I get home, I'm gonna bruise that ass red for your stubbornness." His squared jawline rocked and I scoffed once again at his empty threat.

"Fuck." I cursed as I saw about five men ran through the corridor and came in.

Lorenzo glared at me then drive his foot down into the man's neck, twist his boots down until the gurgling choking guard died.

"Stay behind me and don't move." He came up before me, his large back blocking my view on the men while he pulled out his gun in defense.

"Lorenzo I-" I tried to helped.

Yet, before I could even swallow for the second time he moved like the wind.

In disbelief I watched as he killed all five men in less than ten seconds. His arm stretching as he release silent bullets into three men, his legs parted while shifting his head back to avoid punches, he pivot his waist around and round house kick a guard in his chest which sent the guard flying into the wall, his neck snapping in instant death.

His focus set as he uses his gun and let off three sets of bullets to the remaining two brute who tried to gang up on him.

And just like that, I scoffed at his confidence, gun smoke clouding the area as I walked behind his large back as we stepped over the dead bodies.

"Why do you find it hard to follow instructions Red." I could sense his anger, it was so overbearing that I fisted my hands by my side.

"You don't understand!" I gritted and I gasped breathlessly as he turn, held me by the neck and slammed us into the wall of the stair case.

He was brewing with anger and I hated how much it affected me. "Then let me understand huh, I don't want to fucking loose you again Red. I can't."

"What you need to understand Lorenzo is that I am capable of protecting myself and you need to also..." His heavy breath entangled with mine as he softly squeezed my throat.

"Know that I will never leave you, I promise." I whispered, our bodies on high alert as we heard footsteps gliding across the floor and as we both gaze intently at each other, we knew at that moment that Rafael told us something which was completely different.

The mansion clearly had more than ten bloody guards.

"You see baby, when I told you how much I rely on my gut feeling. This is why..." He kissed my forehead.

And as he withdraw his lips, we both looked to the side as six guards stood before us.

Guns cocking out in our direction and without much of a thought, Lorenzo and I took a fighting stance, our eyes locked in determination.

And with enough swimming through our veins, we both stepped forward creating a blood bath.

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