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With a Jamaican mother and full-bloodied Spaniard father, disrespect was something that wasn't tolerated in the household nor was it something that I could show towards the persons who birthed me.

It was never the order of the day nor was it ever needed, I had passed through the teenage stage where I have rebelled against certain of their household rules that I considered was too much to follow because I wanted to have it my way.

But as I hit my early twenties and reflected back on the stupid things I've done, I now knew that they did it to protect me.

I was pissed and Xamuela could feel it as I cut her playground session short and told Cirano the bodyguard to bring us home.

When the front door of the mansion was shut behind me, I marched my way into the kitchen, following behind a walking Xamuela who heard the deep voice of her father earlier and without question headed there.

Trying to get away from my presence which is to her, right now, was filled with quietness.

I love kids trust me I do, if I didn't Nava would have allowed me to fall into a role that was different from a care giving nanny.

Yet in regards to my love for them, here is where I draw the line...


"Papa!" I watched as the little girl ran towards the man who tried to hide the cigar he was smoking, he pushed the burning blunt which he tried to out, behind his ear and cleared his throat as smoke dusted the room.

It stank with weed and I scrunched up my face at the strong scent.

"Baby girl." He grunted as he licked his lips, lift her up and hugged her to his side.

"Mr. Black can we talk." I gritted my teeth.

He noticed my annoyance and then placed Xamuela down around the table and gave her some minced fruits to eat that he was cutting on a cutting board.

I turn on my heels and walked out of the room, his heavy footsteps alerting me that he was following in steps behind.

When I entered in the quiet living room which was out of ear-shot from Xamuela, I tried not to stare at his wide chest that displayed his defined pecs which drifted down to his rugged eight pack.

The only clothing he had on was a pair of black sweat pants which hanged low off his hips that revealed his v-line and a trail of hair that disappeared under the waist of the sweats.

His dark eyes burned into mine in silent intensity, they envelop to a dusk that overtook his irises which expanded slowly by the minutes, it tilt's off my breathing as it drew me in.

Blinking to clear his extreme degree of stare, my thoughts fell back to his daughter's disrespect and I said in a whisper.

"Your daughter disrespected me earlier and I am asking you nicely to speak with her on the matter."

I put my everything on 'nicely' to show him my annoyance. I straighten my back as he began to walked into my personal space.

I expected him to scold the child but he only stopped before me, drop his hands into his pockets and craned his neck down to stare at my five-foot-five frame.

"It must be a reason why she said it, sì, Aurora?"

Stunned, I clenched my hands into a fist and narrowed my eyes into a searing glare as his eyes continued to pulled me in, I fought against the heated control of his stare and hissed.

"Please be reminded that you were the one that told me that I should not indulge your fucking kid in sodas, so if you have something that you would like to say to me motherfucker you can make it clear right now."

I was the kind of person who spoke her mind, if I didn't like something I wasn't afraid to speak up and it was clear as day that this man had something against me since I have arrived.

The feeling was mutual as is, he killed something that was much of a value to me that even the very essence of life kept on reminding me daily, that I was not deserving to keep.

He licked his bottom lip and scanned his dark eyes over my face. "How about the fact that I don't trust you..."

He bends to my level, his breath trailing across the side of my jaw and without much self control over my self, I fluttered my eyes closed.

Musk and wood was his intense scent and I softly took an inhale, goosebumps ignite against my dark skin as he presses his lips on the earlobe of my skin. I could taste it on my tongue, my thoughts numbed to the power he had as it drenched me, his immaculate odor forced an inability to breathe.

My senses couldn't do anything else but shut down to his aura.

His lips moved as the deepness of his tone slid into my hearing. Cold breath escaped them and it weakens me in the knees. "I don't fucking trust you for some reason and my intuition is always right."

Even through the haze, I tried not to allow this man to push me over. I needed him to trust me, without his trust, my investigation will become null and void.

River's death then would become nothing and I tried not to think about what I would do if I ever got to that stage.

"But because I sight how happy my daughter is since you've came here, I'll speak with her and at the same time make sure that you, Miss. Lopez, proved my gut feeling wrong."

And just like the wind he walked away, the absence of his musky scent was the reason that I knew he wasn't there.

My eyelids dropped open as his large naked back walked away before me, my mouth running dry as his control still seeming in my senses.

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