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Have you forgotten about our meet up? don't tell me that you're slacking Red. For motivation, please be reminded that you're doing this for River. I'll be waiting for the rest of information to build the case. - Chief.

I sighed at the text that came in from Nava a few minutes ago. Over the pass few days, I have been so caught up in apologizing to Lorenzo, trying to get his attention but he has done nothing but brushed me off.

And reminded me that he was busy and that he had no time listening to the woman who fuck with his feelings.

And I was beginning to regret it.

Why was I throwing away my revenge for this man? I was trying to be the bigger person and owned up to the fact that I shouldn't have done what I did.

But today, I have decided that I was flipping over it, him, the don. If he can't take one minute for me to explain myself then fuck him.

I shouldn't have pushed my plans aside for his childish backside in the first place.

River needed justice and my weakness needs to end now.

Feelings or not, I will not allow him to get in the way of that ever again. Therapy could also kiss my ass as well.

Rolling my eyes, I twirl the car keys around my fingers and looked over my shoulder. "Sveva, could you watch Xamuela for me for at least an hour. I'm going to go out for a few minutes."

She frowned and nodded slowly. "No problema Aur, just be careful yeah? are you going to check out some possible therapist?"

Scoffing inwardly, I eased out a lie. "Yeah."

"Do you want me to come?"

I shook my head. "No it's cool, I'll find my way around."

She nodded and with that I left and headed towards the vehicle Lorenzo gave us to use when we wanted to carry the kids out to the city's park.

Strapped in, I keyed the ignition and glance down at my handbag that held the things that would bring me justice.

And with determination grinding me, I sink on the gas pedal and head out of the drive way.


Pulling up to Papi Zest parking lot, I hailed the guard who toss me a bright smile. "Long time don't see cop."

"I'll blame my absence on work." I laughed.

"Well, we have upgraded our menu a month ago and I think this one will have you coming back for more, work or not." He grinned.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." I smiled and then followed his direction when he told me Nava came in fifteen minutes ago.

Papi Zest was our hang out spot and I rolled my eyes at the last girl's night out I had with Rosa and Nava almost two months ago.

"You're late, as always." Nava grunted out as he sipped soup from his spoon and I scoffed, settling down before him into a seat.

"Fuck off and choke on it because it is something that will never change."

He spat out his soup and I glared when some of it made contact with the side of my face. "Seems as if this investigation changed you for the worst."

I gaged and used a paper towel to wipe his spit off.

"Get off my ass. As a matter of fact where is Rosa?"

He sighed and pushed away the dish. "She wanted to come but she's had a bad morning sickness and I didn't want to push it."

I nodded in understanding and made it my mission to ring her later.

He asked to see what I gathered so far and I unzip my bag and pulled out the thumb drive that I transferred the small video footage which I had on Lorenzo along with some critical documents that I snoop around and found in his home office back in Italy when he was at work.

I needed more evidence but since he wanted to see what I gathered, I complied, summing it up that his intentions were good.

As the thumb drive skidded across the table towards Nava, time reduced in that very moment as gun shots pierced through the windows.

I looked towards the glass beside me to see a group of men from a unfamiliar car, blaring out their bullets, it shattered the glass instantly which created a world of havoc as patrons screamed and ran from the flying bullets.

I dived across the seat and rolled onto the floor on my side and pushed my body under the counter which was the closet coverage for me. Adrenaline rushed through my system as I frowned at Nava who ran towards the entrance of the cafe's kitchen.

The thumb drive was in his hands and at that moment I felt an anger like never before at his selfishness.

The need to survive kicked in as I pulled my gun from the holster slot which was on my thigh and position the metal to the group of men who made their way into the cafe.

They flipped over tables and I grinded my teeth as one of them shoved the muzzle on the side of the guard's head who instantly panic.

I was about to pulled the trigger to protect him, a job Nava couldn't do, when I felt a hand grip my hoodie from behind.

"Come with me Red."

Rafael grunted out quietly, confusion gripped me then and with questions taking a front seat into my mind, I shuffled backwards on my ass and stand as we both exited out of the cafe.

Before I could stepped out of the building completely, a loud screamed left my lips as I flew into the air.

My body rotates into a harsh spin as the cold wind whipped into my ears above the ground as instant heat flowed over my body.

A burning slid into my nostrils and ripped into my lungs which had me struggling to clenched my chest area.

I couldn't saved my rotating self as my body descended to the ground.

I tried to moved but before I could comprehend what the heck was happening around me, my body snap onto the ground as I landed on my side.

An instant mist formed over my eyes which caused everything to blurred before me.

I held unto Rafael's voice as it drifted into my subconscious but I weakly gave into the shots of pain.

I allowed the highly unpleasant sensations to overtook my frame as in the far distance, the cafe's debris blown up into the air, burning in a huge fire.

And without much of a word, I fell into the quietness that is now...

My mind.

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