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Observation is the key part to this systematic examination, without it the entire plans that I have will crumbled before it even began.

Each lies that I provides, protects my cover up identity and if I am not quick enough to reapply them consistently then I'd be thrown to the wrath of what Lorenzo is.

I became one with the shadows as I kept my back on the wall of the corridor, my mouth stank with liquor as I let out a long breath that I didn't know I was holding when I slipped passed the two bulky security who were both hypnotized by the strippers dancing on the pole in the VIP section.

A door was right at the end of the corridor and I'm pretty confident that, that was where Lorenzo and his men were.

I shuffled up to the door and pushed it open, it slid forward and I notice the flight of stairs that would led me down to a basement. When the door click shut behind me, I descend the stairs and as I went down I heard multiple voices echoed out through the bottom floor.

My fingers gripped the steel handles of the stairs as I paused as the voices became a bit clearer. I look over the stairs and instantly squint as the blue light from the water flashes across my face.

Right in the middle of the room there resides a large pool which was covered by glass, just underneath the transparent surface, host three sharks roaming the water.

I searched the room and notice Fire who was resting his back on a wall with his leg bent up, a toothpick on his lips as he pursed them, looking boredly at the five men who I saw earlier.

I wanted a better look so I scanned the ceiling and spotted a small shutter that led me to believe that there were vents running in the ceilings. My eyes shifted to the side for a short moment and that was when I spotted a short steel ladder that led up into the entrance of a open vent.

Without much thought, I walked over towards the ladder and held unto the steels as I began to climb, when I was on the last step, I look over my shoulder to see if I was spotted and felt the organ in my chest stopped as my eyes connected with familiar hazel iris.

Rafael shook his head at me as he pocketed his jeans and then glance around the room to see if anyone else notice our interaction.

After a while he tilt his head and then mouthed. 'Go'

I push my body up into the open space of the ventilation and crawl on my stomach, I knew that my dress would get mad dirty after this and I couldn't blame no one but myself for choosing to wear a damn dress when I was on a mission.

Shaking my head, I found my self position right below the open shutter. I squint my eyes through the grill and activated the earrings in my ear to record the conversation.

I notice Lorenzo who was seated on a chair, his fingers directing a blunt to his lips as he took a deep inhale. I narrowed my eyes at the half naked woman who was currently seated on his thighs, running her palms over his arms while resting her head on neck.

He was behaving like a king, one who was untouchable and held all the rules in his hands. It was clear, the power he had affected the room and drove fear into the five men who stood before him.

Even from here his control suffocated the area and drop major levels in the room, once again goosebumps glided across my skin and it sent a cold shiver through my spine and rock me until I let out a stuttered breath.

It left me confused.

I tried to brushed off the clear effects of his power but it was futile.

A short man who came with the remaining four men of the group stepped forward and said.

"Boss man, we got your message and we're here. What seems to be the problema?"

Lorenzo removed the blunt from his lips and with smoke dispensing through his open lips, he widen his large thighs and scratch the side of his squared jawline.

"Pesci is smart I'll give him that." He took another drag of the cigar and then spoke again. This time allowing a full blown smoke to contaminate through the room.

"The fucker killed one of my trust worthy associate from the inside which led me to believe that a sneaky rat is roaming around my organization."

The bald-headed short man scratched behind his neck and laughed. "How do you know that boss man..."

Lorenzo didn't say much after that, he let his oppressed presence dragged on the minutes as he held strict eye contact with the short man who began to squirm.

Lorenzo flick his hand and then after a few seconds the half naked woman who was sitting on his thighs, got up and swayed in a sexy walk over towards Rafael who had the back of his head resting on the wall.

When he notice her coming his way, he drop his hazel eyes on her and scan her from head to toe then tried to hold eye contact with the woman. She ignored his gaze and this caused him to clenched his jaw up.

Damn I've never seen Rafael get so angry before...

I brushed off the thoughts swimming in the back of my mind then continued to watch as the scene plays out.

She took the briefcase out of his hand and then strolled over to Lorenzo, she gave him the black leather case and fell back on his thighs as she hide her face from Rafael who was obviously watching her.

Lorenzo puff out a cloud of smoke and then flew the briefcase onto the glass surface of the pool which had the sharks swimming around.

The five men froze up almost instantly as the briefcase opens up which exposed a gun and various bullets that stumbled out of the case, these bullets had blood that stained them, the interest from the situation stilled me as the short man flinched from what was shown, which much to Lorenzo's gaze, sent him obvious amusements in the form of a cold smirk.

"Boss what does this even mean, this proves nothing." The same man spoke up as he disguised fear.

Fire snickered at his words. "The more you play dumb is the more harder this shit is gonna be for you Rocco."

Lorenzo out the cigar and then placed it behind his ear. "I'll make it clearer for you, those are the same bullets that was used to murder Federico in his home office last night. Does it ring a fucking bell?"

"Bu-But..." Rocco stuttered. "How do we come into this?"

Fire rolled his eyes and with clear annoyance gritted out. "You sure have a lot to say in regards to the matter, your other friends aren't even saying shit. Seems as if you know more than what you're letting off."

"I wouldn't even be surprise if you know what Pesci is up to."

Rocco scoffed. "Of course not."

Lorenzo whispered something in the woman ears to which she nodded then walked away to some place in the room that I couldn't see.

He turn to them with a thumb running on his bottom lip, the scar on the side of his face now out in the opening which added to his cruelty.

"You sure about that? Because those fucking bullets have markings on them which match your fingerprints." His voice deepens in each word, Rocco shook in the middle of the room which was above the large pool.

The blue light from the water soaked all there is to his short figure and didn't failed to highlight his fear as his whole body trembled from what is to come.

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