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"Oh my God, I'm in love!"

"I'm basically drooling.."

"Shit, I might as well cum at the sight of this."

"Y'all are so disgusting." I giggled as both Viviana and Sveva squealed as they glance around the city that never sleeps.

I followed the streets towards Club Hades, a bit of confusion on my part because this was the same night club, Nava and I went couple months ago when there was a cross fire between the boss and Artem's men.

Which, based on my current knowledge, Nava knew all along but decided to use my little naive self.

How could I be so stupid!

Girl, come on, forget about that bitch we need to have the fun I so seek....

My subconscious huffed and I agreed with her, I needed to forget because if I didn't then I would give into the anger and find Nava myself and forget about the rights of protecting a citizen and blow his guts out for what he did.

Did Rosa even know that her dearest bitch of a man was a backstabbing liar? if she did...

I shook my head, no I didn't even want to think about what would happen to our friendship if she knew.

Surprisingly, the bulky bouncer let us into the pounding club without checking our ID's. Strobe lights flicker across the area and I had to adjust my eyes to it's quivering unsteady colors.

I spotted a long blonde headed woman sitting around the long counter of the bar and with an instant smile, I walked up to her and screamed into her ear.

Rosa shot up and was about to let out a long string of curses when she snap her head to me and drop her mouth open, tears welled up in her eyes and she instantly drew me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Can-cant, breathe."

"Suck it up bitch, I haven't seen you in so longg and Nava would not have given me the time of day nor the permission to call, saying that you were busy and he didn't want the calls to be traced."

Yeah cause he knew Lorenzo would knew what he had up his sleeve if he did.

I rolled my eyes inwardly and smiled softly as she withdrew from the hug and smiled giddily.

"I heard you are pregggooo." I wiggled my eyebrows and she scoffed.

"See this is why I don't like telling that bastard anything, ugh, he can't keep his mouth shut-Ohhhh aren't you going to introduce me to your friends."

I looked over my shoulders on Sveva and Viviana who all smiled and so I did the introduction.

They all hugged and then after a while Rosa told us that she got us into the VIP section. We all took the stairs up to the second level which led out to a large dark strobe light room which host two strippers dancing around a pole on two stages.

The music here was a bit calmer than the one downstairs and it help build a vibe around us.

A bar was to the far corner and Viviana took full advantage of this as she shuffled us all up to the counter.

We all giddily ordered a long line of liquor that Rosa couldn't partake of and I didn't failed to mock her of this truth.

"Y'all are so mean and I wished on the life of my little one that y'all will choke on those shit."

She huffed while sipping a tall glass of orange juice.

And I couldn't help but laugh as she directed us three a harsh glare.

The liquor was taking full affect after just nine shots of some nasty ass liquid that the bartender introduce to us.

I didn't regret it because I promised myself that I was going to forget.

Forget about River.

Forget about the investigation that Nava so cruelly sent me on when he knew I was still grieving.

Forget about my feelings that I have towards a Don that still hated me for a mistake I shouldn't have done.

I just wanted to forget everything...

Sveva took us all to the dance floor and I stumbled with them in giggles.

I instantly closed my eyes and lost myself in the song that the DJ, rewind.

The sound effects echoed with the darkness and flickering of the strobe lights and then in seconds 'Rich Baby Daddy' by drake came on.

We all danced around the dance floor and I allowed myself to let loosed with the thumping vibrating music as I bend over. I shook my backside with both hands on my ankle while Rosa sneak up behind me and slap my backside.

We giggled as Sveva pop open a bottle of liquor which shot out a series of sweet liquid into the air and we all sing as it slid on our dancing bodies.

"I haven't had this much fun in so long." Viviana screamed over the music.

Rosa nodded as we all stumbled back to the bar. "Yeah that's true."

"That's the life as a hard working class adult, my niñas!" My Spanish accent slip out as I knock back another shot. (baby girls)

Nicki Minaj needle played out after a while and I yelled in excitement, honestly this has been stuck on my play list since it came out.

We all went on the dance floor again, screaming our lungs out to the lyrics.

Allowing the Jamaican blood to flow through my vein, I position my self to fall into a nice and slow whine.

My waist coming into alignment as my backside drifted up and down slowly with both of my thighs stretch apart.

I position both of my hands flat on each knee and with my eyes close, I didn't miss the warm body of a person which was now behind me.

His cologne was actually nice and with the liquor in my system, we both flowed in tune. Both of his hands were on each ass cheeks as I took him into nice whining.

He didn't try anything and I appreciated it, because I honestly did not have the time to deal with a man who couldn't keep his wandering hands to himself.

Whether you want to believe it or not, there were some weird ass people out there... and as I thought of this, I paused as I felt the absence of his body heat.

Quickly straightening up my form, I turn around and gape in shock as Lorenzo held the shit-scared guy close to him and without a care in the world shove his gun down his throat.

The guy screamed for help as my legs became frozen on the ground, I instantly sobered up quickly from his presence.

Lorenzo's irises darkens up in instant anger as we both held eye contact, he didn't waste another second as he pulled the trigger, blood spluttering from the guy's open mouth which sprayed to the Don's face.

His jaw clenched then in anger, the blood of the stranger hit against my skin too and I actually thought the music would stop from the loud noise but no one seemed to care enough that he killed an innocent person.

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