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Caith stood by the huge library opening watching Vlad read through a scroll.

The boy is the perfect copy of his mother, he is actually the only copy of his mother.

"How long do you intend to stand there father?"

Caith shrugged"till you acknowledge me, what have you prepared for your mother's birthday?"

His tone as cold as his mother's"Mother does not like celebrations"

"That does not change a thing, and I really want to see what you got her"

Vlad raised his brows, he looked at his father who had a determined look, the same look he gives his wife and for some reason his two younger siblings have that look. It makes the scary looking man, look different.

"I was thinking of invading V..."

Caith quickly shook his head"Vladimir last time you got your mother 1000 heads"

Vlad smirked"did you see her face?, she was so proud of me"

"Vlad have you ever thought of something less bloody?"


Vlad went back to his reading, before Caith could push further, they heard a bubbly voice.

"Father guess what?"

Vlad turned to his twin sister,Lorel

Just like Eres and Enzo, these two are polar opposite.

Her blank eyes were filled with light, which was strange since Eres eyes are always dead

"Hey brother...so I finally got auntie Sasha to take me to Paris"

Vlad rolled his lifeless eyes while  Caith smiled hugging his princess"so what are your plans?"

Lorela grinned "well, I'll think about it  after mother's birthday"

"You know you could just appear there and still know your way around right?"

"Vlad I..." An arrow swiped pass Caith directly to Vlad who caught it with a glare.

"This time I will kill you for real Ace and not even mother will safe you" Vlad gritted out to his brother, the youngest of the household.

Caith sighed as Vlad angrily zoomed towards a laughing Ace.


"I still don't know why mother will train them but not me"

Caith laughed"Relly your brothers are always happy to chop off heads, but you just like adventures"

"Then why do you train me instead, last time you almost took off my eye"

"Look at Vlad he almost died"

Rel sighed"well there's some truth in that, let me go meet my mother".


"Vlad sit" he glared at the younger sibling who only smirked.

They both knew how it'll end, Ace is the youngest and always favoured, especially by their mother.

"Ace I will use Volya and make sure I take Neon from your care" he sighed.

"Mother your eyesight is the best in Uranus but you still wear glasses, that's the most human thing I have seen"

Eres said arranging her glasses"well Janus said it will make me look older, I do not need Lorela friends thinking we are sisters"

Ace smirked while Vlad shook his head.

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