Chapter thirty two

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Before Viktor could launch an attack at Caith, Matias slashed the creature's arm and Dexterio quickly stood between the Lords and a smirking Caith, Mat was still wondering what type of demon that was and why his cut was taking time to heal and draining.

"Let me finish him Lord Dexterio"

The blind man shook his head"Ea, the battle will not continue, Caith is phasing into something we all should figure out"

Enzo scoffed"Dexterio you are spoiling the boy..."

Dimitri watched as Caith disappeared"oh Pluto... Ria"

Their eyes widened as they did not see their opponent, Mat disappeared following the scent trail of Caith.

They heard Afra"the feasting shall start, the Western elvish kingdoms prepared sounds just for us"

They were cheering, everyone loved the singing of elves"...and after display by fairies only, we know they like displaying with faeries"

Dexterio was thankful for Afra, he could never ask for another assistant"then black magic from dark elves..."

The crowd went crazy," from there, there are many other things, we will all see from other beautiful creatures, orcs will display their wonderful iron art, rogues and lone wolves are sniffing their mates...many other things including sirens too"

The new adult who had enjoyed the battle although it ended early, they were prepared for the show and their introduction to the queen and meet the king before his coronation.


Nora glared at the relative of her child, yes Imperia alongside Enzo were her children, she nursed them, she watch them every day since their father employed her.

She tried her best to protect them, she always tried making them open up to any problems although that only worked for Enzo, she tackled the role of servant, best friend,mother,sister to both children.

And now,she could feel something off with this female. She's known Lady Algea Algea for centuries and the Lady is never one to travel from the South to the center even twice a month.  So her sudden change of habit brought in questions, which Nora wondered if she ever wished to find answers to.

Algea too felt very uncomfortable with how hard the cat lady was staring at her, it like she could smell the truth just from how hard she was staring.

Primrose was just stroking her friend's cold palm, Imperia has always had this episodes even before Vladimir left, it like she always walks around with problems, no one can blame her, she is queen after all. Primrose giggled softly, remembering how she would always complain about ruling just 1000 faeries while Ria will just roll her eyes.

Nora turned to Primrose after hearing her giggle, the fae was always happy which was a good thing but Nora still felt like she failed Alger, cause his little girl has just become what he prayed against, depressed. Even if Imperia was still the little happy girl Alger used to carry around, she will not smile as much as the fae or orc do, which always brings her to the question, how do a very happy fae remain friends with a rock? that's Ria,then a really strange and crazy Afra.

She smiled softly,Afra was particularly molded by Pluto for Enzo, they both are crazy people making a crazy couple, which was always the case with Vlad and Ria. But she was certain this new mate of hers will be perfect.

Both Algea and Primrose gasped"lady Nora she's awake"

Algea held her daughter's hand"your majesty.."

Imperia frowned, while Nora brought her medicine"oh child you made everyone...I told you to Lix he is your personal doctor" Nora scolded at the queen like some stubborn youngling, Primrose giggled sitting on her friend's shoulder.

Algea was slightly jealous, she should be the one scolding her child not some maid Alger employed, she asked softly"how are you feeling child?"

Ria sighed"sick, something keeps making me sick, did Enki finish already?"

Algea smiled" we hope so child, you passed out"

Ria avoided the motherly glare Nora was having, with her cat eyes it still made her feel like the 3 year old youngling, Primrose giggled while frowned, before Nora go on with her scolding, Ria's eyes twitched just as a huge creature appeared by her side.

She could smell Mecurian blood and Enki's  scent, while the other ladies jumped  from their standing spots"my love..."

She knew the voice, the voice that got her worked up few hours when she just met him.

But the creature still seems to be shifting though"Enki..."

It beastly face widened in a smile, he pecked her forehead passionately inhaling her scent deeply.

The others quietly left,  while Mat just stood by the door"sister that thing is poisonous"

Ria was still getting used to this feelings"I will handle him brother"

The Ea eyed the creature suspiciously before leaving.

Caith asked softly"are you feeling better my love, whatever you need just tell me"

Ria smiled, stroking it grey skin"I am fine, my worry is for you to look presentable enough, to walk out of this door with me"

Slowly she watched it shift to Caith, his blue eyes bright with the smile on his face.

He pecked her lips,"my sanity,"

Caith's smile widened when he caught a cute smile on her face. Ria cleared her throat"can you help me up now, I still have a feast, and to celebrate your survival even if you cheated"

He smirked"I did not cheat, I just have a way of control what anyone feels"

He held her hand as she stood on her feet, he shook his head"that smell, it too strong"

She gave him a look as his eyes darkened"we'll have to get married before I touch you"

She scrunched her face"marriage?, What are you? Human?,"

He chuckled kissing her palm"I'm more human in many aspects my love,I want a small wedding for us, where I will swear,to love, protect,cherish, worship you till the end of times, Infront of the entire Kingdom,then when we get back, I'll worship you, cause you are a goddess..."

Her eyes turned green"when I left Mercury to aid your ancestor, I had seen you in every vision of mine, and I just want you to know, there will be no day I will want you look behind to today and regret"

Ria never thought she would feel this way when he surfaces from the pit of his soul, "why were you bound?"

Caith smirked"oh...your ancestor said I was sick, crazy, cause I wanted just you and I wasn't going back home, and Pluto doesn't want a Mercurian as his next ruler"

Ria frowned"so I waited, patiently till you bore that son, purely Pluto....there's a lot we have to talk about but for now we've got a feast to prepare for"

Imperia felt her heat slowly melt" you will feel no pain till I married you, but you should know it your choice"

She looked up at him with an emotion that has been locked for centuries" your accent is more human than even humans themselves..."
She sighed" marriage seems to be something you fancy...the idea sounds great, I want to try this, try something different.."

He grinned, his memory came at the right hour, he got his trophy, his dream mate, but he could smell something off with her. Like she had a load she refuse to put down.

" We have a lot of work and talks my queen"

Imperia smiled softly, after centuries she found him and prays he never leaves her ever. Cause at this point she could smell hope.

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