Chapter seven

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The queen still had a frown on her face, something was off about the young man who was made for her.

She walked towards her father's library, like every ruler her father did his own research about Urania.

She groaned going through all the scrolls and books but could not find any answers.


Caith used the portal to the center. He smiled as he appeared in a public garden, the place was filled with people. His eyes widened as he saw a familiar face lady Afra.

He technically ran towards her,she was already going gently but too far.

When he finally met her she bowed with a smirk"your highness...surprise to see at the faes' playground"

Caith smiled bowing "I was actually on my way to see the queen"

Her red eyes looked at him strangely"you do not wish to give up now I presume?"

He sighed, she shook her head"you..." She looked around

"Come with me your highness"

He followed her into a light colorful forest, he heard nymphs laugh beautifully.

They arrived at a small stream, it was beautiful,the purple water humming a soft sound.

Afra smiled" back in the human world, I always miss this, calmness, sweetness and above all the uniqueness, humans lack that, they have all those machines..."

Caith smiled as the beautiful dolphin swam towards them" Imperia, Llew, Lorenzo, Primrose, Vladimir and I always came here when we were still at our tender ages"

Caith sat on a a dark rock"you all were always close"

She grinned"yes... Imperia barely had time... because of her trainings, but she came at least once a week"

Caith was feeling calmer"Imperia likes you that's the reason she wants you to give up "

Caith chuckled"I doubt that milady, she is used to powerful males I guess"

Afra laughed" of course...she's a queen, she needs someone who can protect her, you can do it though....."

Caith was shocked" you'll be the first to assume that though"

She grinned" your highness I was once like you....not exactly though, but I learned, I trained, when king Alger chose me to be a friend to the queen...I was a maid and the queen was still a youngling and attached to her father's hip"

Caith's eyes were wide"my mother was a sea fairy and my father an orc....,the 10 years old Imperia told me...she can't always be there especially when she'll be queen"

Afra smiled" then I trained, I trained alongside the twins and at times Vladimir....all you need to do is decide if you really want the queen or not cause trust me you have just little time..."

Caith actually felt better but Afra added " you need to decide real quick too because Vladimir is already causing hell...he's not happy"

Caith clenched his jaws, " but he left right?"

" They still have that bond, they haven't rejected each other"

Caith nodded" thank you Afra and please call  Caith"

Afra laughed" one lesson you should learn is accept your titles"

Caith smiled" it still just too strange for me...but I guess I'll get used to all this"

She nodded, " go talk to the queen, maybe you could get on her blessed side"


Vladimir slammed his car angrily, all the servants were shivering as he spoke with Lorenzo" what the fuck do mean she's already curious about the boy?"

Lorenzo almost laughed at how worked up his friend is"you heard me right..."

Vladimir clenched his jaws"she's my mate, my mate, he should better go look for his...I will wreck his fucking life if he decides to steal my life"

Lorenzo stepped out of the car, his white royal robe transformed in a clean human pair of jeans and shirt

"Urania needs a king and you know it friend"

Vlad sighed entering the house ignoring the concerned looks of his staffs "he could be a king, that I do not care....but him been her mate just doesn't make sense...I'm not death or rejected"

"Well it does now..."

Vlad groaned" she is my wife...he should look for his"

Lorenzo smirked taking a seat,he knows how much Vlad loves the queen, how he desperately wants to see her.

He watched him gulp the strong human drink"the blood is not as good as it used to be"

Lorenzo only nodded"friend I need just to see her"

Lorenzo sighed"and you know it impossible... except"

Vlad sat down by his friend knowing the idea was going to be helpful"except what Enzo"

Lorenzo sighed"you have to accept the boy as her m..."

Vlad growled angrily slamming the desk" never..."

Vlad has been a wreck for almost a week now,Vlad has always been calm and well collected, it rare seeing him like this

"Enzo that boy is stealing my wife..."

Enzo sighed"and it up to you if you still want to be her like it or not, he is her mate, a big part of her life"

Vlad sighed his eyes switching from his normal grey to red,then black, he smashed his laptop on the floor" so what now?, Hmm I should bow and plead..."

Enzo laughed" my need his help,his could be the only one to link you to Imperia.."

Vlad shook his head" if you're telling me this so I should train him, trust me I won't...he is better dead than alive and stealing someone's wife"

Enzo shook his head" and you know if Imperia decided she likes'll have to face him alive".

Vlad felt like his world was closing up " he'll face me whenever we meet..."

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