Chapter eighty two

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Afra tried to keep a poker face but she could not hide her shock " do not look at me like that Afra, we all are in the basket of treachery"

She clenched her jaws"she treats you like a mother, she believes you saved her from the claws of her nightmare, you saved her from Leticia, you became a mother"

Nora shrugged," I like Eres like my daughter, she is my daughter, but like every child, she is stubborn and selfish, she has all the power but look at me I still remain the most hideous creature in Urania"

Afra shrugged it wanting to talk to much and blow her cover,"and you, she never gave you a reason"

Afra almost grimaced at the preprepared lie"she treats me like a slave and not her spokesperson, she has everything I ever wanted, let's get this over with"

She smacked the stranger, her leg pressed tight against the stranger's neck,"you really you have me all figured out huh?"

The creature smirked"baby sister, the storm coming your way is bigger than anything you've seen"

Eres grinned"you do not know me then"

Aurora felt chills"it is very easy"

"Aurora Lily Pluto..."

Viktor's eyes widened, Eres removed her leg" I know you, you are Pluto's illegitimate child,the unwanted first child Pluto had with his mate, the mate he rejected...please let me do the talking"

She shrugged"in your story, my mother is the villain for snatching Pluto, she was weak, but somehow your father could kill because of her, then as if that was not enough I took everything you ever wanted, I am darkness in every aspect, so you try so hard to be light..."

Eres smiled arranging her attire, "when I actually remembered you, I thought I will be using the darkness to battle you, but then I am darkness, I am everywhere, especially when you close your eyes"

Viktor grinned

Aurora smirked"so I suppose you think you had everything thought of"

Eres shrugged" you broke me twice, took everything from me, three is my lucky number, you forget,patience is a virtue I was gifted with"

Rora was turning red" when I saw your eyes,  I carried that body and that soul, it was not only for grief..."

Crystal chains began growing from the ground, Viktor almost laughed at the shock on the stranger's face as both he and Eres both took their seats.

"When I said I'm cleaning up I meant it, now let me tell you what's happening sweet sister"

The chains wrapped itself around Aurora"when I saw your eyes, I let you have your moments, first, I know you needed a sick body for your mother's soul, so the available royal sick body at the time was our dearest uncle/ descendant, which was why I carried Uranus' soul to occupy that body"

Eres sighed" then, when you had my brothers in that slumber, you gave me a chance to travel to the dark side of Uranus and imagine when I found out I was darkness itself, so travelling back  guess the soul stone I picked on my way back?, my loving mother and I waited patiently for a body, but trust me this one was tricky, I had two sick bodies,"

Eres felt so relieved finally spitting out the truth" I fed on a servant made her identical to my father's sister/ descendant, then used her sick body for our mother's soul, I know you have not thought of it but your mother's soul is only allowed to roam without a body for 2 hours"

" Then I realized you knew my weaknesses, my siblings, my mates and my youngling, you sent me towards the wrong track and I went along with it, Osiris was never in the human world, and in all of this, one thing I understand is sacrifice, and guess who willingly gave himself, my love Vladimir, killing him delayed you gave me time to send Tri towards the entrance and tug out your lovely mother, and time for Nora to stupidly reveal herself to Afra...see I do my homework perfectly"

Aurora was shocked""

Viktor laughed, they felt Enzo huffed"Ereshkigal if you decide to send me on a mission next time it better be somewhere clean, I look like someone picked from a town trash"

Viktor rolled his eyes"Enzo we are almost at the part?"

The blonde grumbled but took a seat"she finally discovers her little strategy was all a game?,"

"Yes brother and now you are spoiling the finale"

"I thought the finale was  when we tell her she has no powers?"


"No demon, it is when she discovers..."

"Eres what happened to keep the best for the last?"

"Well that magically flew when you decided to interrupt"

"Oh so you are implying you would have said it without me, I thought we are twin, we are supposed to do things in sync?"

"Maybe that is the reason you interrupted me"

"Tsk you should learn how to respect you older ones"

"You just said we are twin"

"Well I'm the older one"

"By few minutes"
Viktor rolled his eyes"we have an older sister her, now you two quit it"

"She's already death by the way, no fighting nothing, Eres I do not like this calculative lifestyle, it steals the action"

"It saves me time"


Caith sighed trying for the tenth time to revive Vlad but his body was not even responding.

He doesn't know how Eres will take the news, they were separated but Eres was still very much in love with him.

He groaned, a voice interrupted him"he is gone..."

He turned and looked at Matt and was surprised to see his human mate by his side" he is a sacrifice, he died happy"

Caith was still not understanding anything, "sacrifice?"

Matt shrugged "your wife is too calculative for her own it, it had to be either us or himself, or your youngling?

Are you surprised?

Dang😅😂 I was to at the very beginning.

So to be brief I'm that type of person too, I could take any amount from pain from someone,as long as I get the chance to give it back triple, and I'm firm believer of "if you're not smart in a fight,you can easily loose regardless of the strength you possess"

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