Chapter twenty seven

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Caith couldn't get anything from Lady Algea cause, Afra interrupted them.

Now he just had to use the main Southern portal the royals use to teleport themselves to the South. He was still worried about his mate, he wanted to see her but Afra warned him her heat will only get worst.

The guards he took and his royal attire just drew attention to those living at the Southern borders.

He asked one of the horse keeper"how much for this one?"

The young blood demon said nervously"oh your should have it..I can't take anything"

Caith shook his head with a smile"no, your boss will only get back loses"

" 20Uria..."

One of the guards gave him the coins,while the others took the horse, his pack isn't far from the border, he just didn't feel like fast walking home, or even teleporting, shifting these days has been less stressful but more scary, as his lycan form unlike any normal lycan had horns.

The guard shifted into wild wolves and ran by his his side as he rode to his pack.


After almost an hour, he was welcomed by pack guards"your highness welcome" he nodded and continued his ride to the pack house.

He was welcomed by the elders and the pack elders, they were all amazed by the change.

His once grey and almost shaggy hair that used to give him a roguish appearance was now looking almost brown, longer and well ironed, it seemed every single hair was well taken care of, his green eyes now slightly bluish, and a scar cut visibly across his left cheek giving an impression that he had been to a battle already.

His muscles looking stronger, and now he looks beautifully royal.

They bowed"your highness, you're welcome to Red moon Pack"

He nodded" I just wanted to let your alpha know of my brief visit here"

The alpha just couldn't get over the fact that the human/ Omega descendant now is royalty, it just like those shitty stories humans tell their younglings"hope we can at least dine with you, your highness"

"Thanks for your offer and I really want to stay and dine with you but I'm here only for a brief moment"

He quickly shifted and ran through the forest with his guards trailing behind him towards the outskirt of the pack towards his former house.

He knocked at the wooden cabin and not too long, there was an unlocking sound from the other side of the door. His old man opened the door with a wide smile on his, he quickly bowed"your highness.."

Caith quickly hugged his father, in his five centuries of living they haven't really ever been away from each other for this long"oh my boy I really missed you so much"

Caith couldn't help the grin on his face, his father has always been his only family,he really missed him while in the palace.

While Alex was more than happy to see his son, the changes were there, the smiling lines he once had were no more, he once grey hair was now pitch black.

They went inside but the guards were left outside"tell me son, how's life with the royals?"

Caith said while looking around his now strange home"better than I thought father, how's life alone?"

"Boring... Alpha Derick proposed I move to the pack house m, but you know that's totally not me, moreso he's only proposing because of you so I'm not for it"

Caith nodded" true, tomorrow is my final day I don't know if I'll be able to come out of any of those battles alive"

" You shouldn't worry too much about it, how's life in the palace I'm curious"

" Father the Central is a site to the eyes, it calmer and more magical than any region in Urania, and the queen..."

Alex chuckled at the dreamy look in his son's eyes " she's just an amazing person, she comes off as cold and reserved but she's the most caring creature I've ever met"

Alex nodded"so you love her..."

" Wha...what?father I don't really think so... even if I do, she's still broken after her last mate"

" So you do love her?"

Caith sighed" yes...I do love her, even when I think of dying tomorrow, my main regret will be leaving her"

" Then you should be prepared to fight for her sake"

" But I'm scared, I'm feeling like just a second option,what happens if Vladimir actually comes back?I'll be forgotten"

Alex sighed" Enki,I do not have words that might sound comforting...but truthfully and as painful as it might sound you are her second option..."

His nodded sadly" but...but if she's making chance for you, it simply means that first option is not any part of her worries, she might be strong but just note that she needs you than anything now"

Caith smiled" thanks a lot father"

" Okay now that, that is over for now, what happened to you?, especially your hair "

" Oh, this?"Caith chuckled motioning his body " the hair just changed and got more color, the, Eres mentioned it because I'm becoming more royalty, then it training too"

" Now you actually look your name, have you seen Isabella yet?, she comes here hoping to get in touch with you"

" I'll check on her when leaving, I guess"

" I roasted some pork yesterday, if had known you were coming something better would've been made,I know you're royalty all live by respect"

Caith grinned " it took me time to get used to been bowed to,called highness, it was so strange at first"

" The last King's father, I mean your mate's grand father worshipped the concept of respect, when I was born my father had me memorize every aspect of respect...that man was a great ruler but scary was his last name..."

" Father meaning you've lived for more than 9000years right?"

Alex shook his head" no barely 6100years, remember the total lifespan of any creature is 5000years, I mean like the oldest normal Uranian but people who grew up linked to the Plutos are added 1000 years, the only reason I'm still alive is because you are a Pluto"

Caith frowned" so there are living bonuses?"

" Something like that,you been the queen's mate will only die if she does, but no one gets more than 5000 more bonus, for humans it a big deal, but here it'll more than the luxury cause after death we meet our greatest creators, Pluto,Venus,Mercury,Drea and finally our almighty Uranus for judgement"

" Father if that's the case, then what happened to both Lord Ace, and Lord Alger?"

Alex's eyes widened" they passed away 1000years ago...only your mate can tell you more"

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