Chapter Sixty four

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Eres felt like she couldn't get closer enough, her own rules not to use powers, now is the time for her to break that rule and get to her son.

He was dragged by his human lover, but she wasn't having it, her Osiris, she gave out a loud scream, everyone stopped, while Uranians immediately went on their knees, Osiris had stopped walking, Eres did not, she finally stood in front of him.

Rick felt something strange as the random woman stared at him, his girlfriend forgotten, Eres slowly raised her palm and touched her son's cheek"Osiris..."

Rick was just too confused to react, but his girlfriend wasn't having it, she yanked the stranger's hand away, gasped sounded around them while others just minded their business, Eres was too into looking her son to mind the human.


Eres shook her head"I'm not Ms...oh Pluto..."

The human was to speak when Eres finally turned to her"if you dare you might not live to see tomorrow"

The aura hot colder, but she just turned back to her baby who isn't a baby anymore.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

Eres hugged him tight, which was still strangely familiar to Rick, his  human lover scoffed and left but Eres just didn't care, this is her son, her youngling, her Osiris.

She pulled away looking up at him, he even has her eyes, lighter but this is her baby.
"Yes, you can not remember, are so grown"

She stepped back holding in her tears watching his death eyes lighten, it looks lighter than hers.

" Meaning you might be relative"
Eres nodded" I noticed your spouse left,I should give you time to go talk things out with her, tomorrow, I will be waiting at my friend's place of work"

She strokes his cheek" if you are not free, if you have second thoughts just give yourself time, I will be waiting"

He smiled politely walking away, while Eres watched with an almost smile.


The kids were watching TV, while Karma was busy cleaning the house, Keisha in the kitchen, Dahlia alongside Janus were chatting.

Eres entered the house, her usual blank look but something else was different.

"Hello" she whispered

"Oh hi Eres, Vladimir came over, where did you go to?" Asked Karma worriedly

Her eyes lightened"I was taking a walk around, I found my son..."

No fucking doubt, the entire house paused, except the kids though, Dahlia gasped going to hug Eres who quickly stepped back" I hugged him,I can slightly smell him around for some time, I do not want you to mix it"

Janus giggled, Dahlia almost cried with joy, this Eres is so different, Keisha asked from the kitchen" what is going...hi Eres"

Janus said with a wide grin" Eres met her son..."

" Wait you have a child?,how is he?"

" Yes, I hope to meet him again, he is so handsome, tall, he has a deep voice, his smile is as wide as I dreamt of, and he is so well behave, he spoke with so much politeness..."

Karma quickly hugged Eres" I'm so sorry for mixing the scent, but I'm too emotional, you met your son"

Dahlia cooed" you should invite him here"

" I told him to meet me tomorrow, at my friend's place of work, I meant Keis..."

" Meaning we all are your friends?"

" No, I just did not know what to name this relationship"

The house erupted into laughter" how would he know my place of work?"

" He is my son knows his way..."

They all didn't miss how she repeated the word 'son'

" I will contact my brother with my husband, I do not really know how to hold a conversation"
" Enzo calm the fuck down" Enzo huffed" stop been an enemy to my good  looks"

Afra rolled her eyes, Enzo can be so dramatic, he's been brushing his hair for almost an hour, since Eres sent out the signals, and invited Enzo, he's been all "favorite uncle"

"The king will be here, and you look okay"

"He should better look like me, I'm his mother's twin, and he owes me that"

Enzo with drama"you do not even look like your own sister, why will her youngling look like you?"

"Afra, Afra, we have two younglings, and none could even have my eyes, no dimples, no blonde hair... I did not come out looking like my mother, I have my father's hair, his grey eyes, his dimples, his height, but my own case is so different, they decide to all look like my mate"

Afra was holding in laughter"Lucille has your middle name...he even behaves like you"

" I do not even like the name Lucille, I'm sure mother wanted to give Mat or Ria that name, and that boy of mine is a pain, Osiris will be a perfect replacement"

Afra couldn't hold it in,she burst into a laughing fit, the funniest thing of it all is Enzo complaining of someone been a pain.

She was to continue when they heard a knock, " my Lord,his majesty is waiting"

Enzo pecked his mate's lips" I am on uncle duties, till further notice"
"Were you riding Hades your majesty?"

Caith shook his head frantically" no, I can dare not, he followed me here, Lady Afra, Hades hardly tolerates me, like your mate too"

Afra giggled watching Enzo open the portal" Hades have always  been ridden by Eres only, while Enzo issues"

Caith chuckled "my love I heard you, you have issues too".

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