Chapter Nineteen

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Caith eyes widened as the waters became a clear shade of the sky color, and vapour slowly coming out of it, the queen touched the water with a smile"it ready"

He grinned and excitingly took off his robe and entered the water, the queen giggled at his excitement, he was shocked at the sound, he could feel some progress in their bond.

"Come on, come join me"

She raised her brows"are you sure?"

"Yes come on"

She undid her robes, her hair puffed out from it braids, her shoes undid themselves, in inhaled sharply as she stood naked

She is perfect, he thought, he's been with almost 4 females but none was this close to perfect, every part of her body was a perfect amount.

She stepped in the water and directly opposite him, he took the leaf and passed it through his hair,she leaned against his chest, they both inhaled sharply, she massaged his greyish hair," when you become king, your hair might change color again"

He only sighed trying hard to keep his hands to himself, she used a beautiful bowl to pour water on him, she smiled at him as he washed her back softly, it felt so unreal but she relaxed in his arms.


She snuggled against his chest and for the first time in two centuries she fell asleep.

He kept stroking her face, her hair was back into one thick braid, he carried her to his bed.

After wearing his royal attire he pecked her forehead and walked out of the chamber.


He was in the small hut the queen liked to seat for tea,he watched the young creatures play, he now sees the reason why she likes this spot,he thanked the maid who brought him tea,"thank you"

The nymph nodded and hurried away, he sipped the tea, while watching the outside world, his mind wandered briefly to his bathing time with his mate.

He heard a familiar voice"Ria.. Ria... I got...oh sorry your majesty"

He chuckled at the huge orc"it alright, the queen is napping though"

The orc frowned "wait.. sorry to cause I'm about to be disrespectful, but who's sleeping"?"

Caith shrugged" the queen.. "

" It can't be true, Imperia lost her sleep for two centuries she hasn't slept"

" Well it true, she was exhausted I think...and what's your name you seem like a great friend to Eres"

" Oh I'm a childhood friend of hers, Llew the orc"

" A pleasure please have a seat, I'm Caith Enki Ahearn"

The orc smiled widely before making himself comfortable"tell me Llew how was your childhood with the queen? "

Llew grinned, Caith couldn't help but see that even as an orc looks good,his greenish body suits him and he seems like someone who smiles a lot"do not mind the way Ria is always serious like that, she's a goofball, she used to be a very playful youngling, she and Enzo were like those kids with warning signs on their forehead"

Caith chuckled" were they that bad?"

" Your highness,they were worse,one thing is she was always thoughtful though"


Imperia scrunched face"what is wrong with you all?, cause I'm lenient, cause I don't ride Hades to your kingdoms any longer huh?"

The northern Lords trembled, as the queen for years raised her voice"I will carry out my promise and every single soul would be wiped out, what nonsense, Dexterio order the keepers to release Hades, idiots"

The Lords went on their knees and pleaded"your majesty..." Ea Viktor smirked

"Oh you're sorry? How long has that conflict been, 3 years, and even when you disrespect your regional Lord, you disrespect me too?"

"Your majesty Hades is ready"

She nodded"send me my war guards"

She turned back to the trembling Lords, "every blood I spill today will be your family members prepare yourselves"

Her war robe was brought in " you make ruling so difficult, I say don't do something and that is what you all desire to do, to ruin my kingdom"

She too the robe and turned to her brother" watch the throne brother,and pray cause you might have no subject to r..."

One of the vampire Lords quickly said" my queen I was paid, please, he paid me to launch an attack"

The queen smirked" oh now that's the truth I wanted to hear, who else was paid to start a conflict?"

The entire hall stood up quietly, the queen " great job I must say,the entire north is filled with criminals, Ea Viktor pass your judgement while I take a stroll around the North"


Caith heard a loud neigh  and loud huff,his eyes widened as he saw a familiar snow white horse,it eyes looked directly at him like it did three months ago.

It eyes black as hell ,one could swear it spits fire. He didn't dare go closer to it, a horn like demon came over and brushed it fur carefully.

The queen walked towards the horse alongside Lord Dexterio, the blind man bowed "your highness"

He  nodded"good afternoon Lord Dexterio"

He turned to the queen who was showing affection to the horse,and it rubbed itself against the queen, she turned to him" Enki, I'm on my way to the North, it is a two days mission, you will be in the company of the Ea Viktor, any problems just tell him or Dexterio"

" I'm worried, why all of the sudden ?"

She grinned climbing the horse expertly"oh just some little troubles,I'm the last person you should be worried about"

" Dexterio check on Hunter, he is with Matias, Enki meet Hades, come on boy"

It galloped away " you are worried for no good reason Milord"


It took barely two hours for her reach the northern regional house,it was cold as always,other people take at least two days for them to leave the center to the North.

As soon as Hades landed, the northerners could feel the heat of the center.

" Your majesty..."

She hugged her sister-in-law" Lady Raya longest time"

The greenish nymph smiled bowing" oh sister you know the distance especially now with Author and...."

She was almost thrown on the ground by her nephews" auntie Ria, can we climbed Hades? where's Hunter? auntie where's auntie Afra..."

She laughed swirling Sandro" you two, should at least let Hades rest"

Author grinned showing off his cute little sharp fangs before going after poor Hades while his mum yelled and went after him.

She gently placed him down to let him follow his brother, the servants bowed"give me the kingdom registrar"


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