Chapter sixty-two

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Eres was fixing herself a relaxing bath, something she has not done for almost 3weeks, since she's been using the 'shower' .

She heard a soft knock"you may come in"

She didn't really turn around since she knew it was just Janus and Zil "hope we're not interrupting anything?" Janus asked as her eyes fell on some strange flowers.


"It gets really boring here, Zil and I are the only ones home"

Eres swirl the water in the tub"I do not know how hold a conversation"

The water now was pitch black, she added some blue flowers to it, now Janus was interested to whatever that mixture was, Zil asked softly" what is that mixture auntie Eres? "

Eres stood up dropping her robe without no care in the world" it a relaxing darkness... " She looks perfect, Zil thought.

Janus watched as she entered the tub with a sigh leaving her lips"how does it work? "

" It erases every stressful minute of your life for a few minutes before you can face your troubles "

" I need me some of that"

Zil will totally plead with Janus to share the knowledge of these bath, but she was extremely curious.

" Aunt ..."

" Eres... "

The teenage girl cleared her throat" Eres, how do you keep yourself so perfect? " Janus almost laughed at the adorable teenager, she's asked her that question too.

" I kill all of my problems... " Eres said calmly, the bath was in full effect.

" Sweetie she didn't mean like kill, kill, it more like solutions" Janus heart was beating so fast.

"I did, if my problems were all in the form of people..." Janus eyes widened as the blank expression now was a smirk " I would be without problems because every one of them will be history"

Zil nodded, that actually made sense"but killing is a crime for the humans and anyone except myself ..."

" What that mixture that brings out that black thickness? "

" Some flowers, my father always had me in one of these baths"
" Words are everywhere on the streets..."

" What do you even know about streets, Urania has no streets" Vlad asked his annoying older brother, who just shrugged.

" That's what you think, we have streets, not as noisy and disorganized as the humans, so I am going to visit my queen..."

" Wait did you know she had my child?"

Alek's green eyes lightened" oh yes, everyone knows, there's no Uranian that does...oh you didn't know?"
Alek asked with mock shock" how could you not my sweet brother?"

"Aleksandr we are brothers,if anyone could hide it why you?" Vlad asked with a sigh.

"Vladimir,you were the one we should've been hearing that news from not the other way round" Alek said carelessly, making his brother to feel worst than he was already.

" I know...I don't know how I didn't fucking notice,she had the symptoms and I was..." Vlad slammed the table angrily causing the poor wooden table split, while his brother only watch him.

" She was glowing, demanding my attention, extra smiley, loving romance books she hates romance stories, she..."

" Can you stop, I don't want to be a part of whatever this is, I mean this pity party, I like me some parties, like those ones Enzo and Afra would hold, those beautiful sea ladies..." Vlad rolled his eyes

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