Chapter Seventy-eight

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Before Eres could go on with the painful execution, she sensed something and to proof get point, a guard knocked at the main door.

"Send the disgusting thing into one of the cells, no single elder is allowed out of this hall until I say so..."

With that she left the hall, Race who was holding his breath, muttered"why?"

Afra did not dare raise her head especially after feeling Enzo seething with anger as he glared down at her.

The guards took her away, Enzo felt like this was all a dream, his mate for centuries just turned her back on everything, their younglings, this kingdom, her best friend and him, he does not give two thoughts about Race, because, his cousin has always been his competitor.

But after this, Lorenzo just wish he had left Race have her for himself.

Eres trusted her, like Afra came first before her own siblings, she just had to bite the fingers that fed her for centuries.

"Open the portal", the guards scrunched he'd their faces as the foul smell of a disgusting realm filled their nose.

Ria was trying her best to keep a straight face as the smell of hell hit her nostrils, couple with the the disgusting creatures that followed, why do this particular demons look like this?.

The warriors entered one by one and made sure to stand in  straight lines, their eyes all casted to the ground as if they all were scared of something in this new realm.

Then finally their king strolled in with his signature smirk" the queen in person, I always love how sexy you look with that blank look"

Ria asked not paying any mind to his stupid comment"how fast can the weakest feed on a soul?"

Luc shrugged "our deal was just an army, I did just that, so I don't give a fuck about what, they can do or not"

She nodded" fine then, be on your way"

He shook his head" not so fast Imperia, not so fast..."

She raised her brows questioningly

"My mate was your target if I do otherwise, since my own part of the deal is done, I want you to stay away from her" he said seriously.

"I apologize, the only thing I can promise you for now, that no harm will come to her, except you push me, she is an acquaintance" .

Luc wasn't satisfied" what is that suppose to mean?"

"Meaning anything you do or think to do to me, will be reciprocated action or thought to your angel"


Eres ordered the hellings to head south, while she followed.

She first went to the palace where she met up with her brothers, looking all confused

" what is that terrible smell?"

Caith asked with his face scrunched up in disgust.

" Hellings, I am doing some clean up, Luc, you go to Osiris immediately, someone is expecting me..."

She waved a guard over"my battle clothing" the guard nodded.

"Ereshkigal what is going on?"

She gave her mate a sweet smile "a clean up, it was long overdue, Race the send out messengers, no soul should be caught out of their cribs, nest,house, two hours for that, another two hours to go through every house, every warrior go home by homemaking sure every soul is indoor"

Race nodded"immediately my queen" he bowed before excusing himself.

Enzo was to step out when Eres added" I know you are facing some crises, but brother, if anything happens to my youngling, I will look into your eyes and painfully take away your life" the look on her face showed how serious she was, he nods firmly, before leaving.

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