Chapter Eighteen

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"yours majesty" the older lord bowed as the queen entered, she smiled at her once trainer"Lord Vladilen, it always a pleasure to have you here"

The lord smiled at his dream daughter"you, my queen have abandoned this old man"

The queen shook her head and hugged the lord, they both sighed as she inhaled an almost familiar smell.

"Hope you are still strong enough for a walk Milord"

The lord chuckled" oh Lady Ereshkigal, even as my days are numbered just remember I will always be the lord who fought wars with the King"

"Just saying, lord your 10000years are over so is your strength"

The lord scoffed as they started the walk"a strong a man is a strong man so the humans say"

The queen chuckled"those words are spoken by weak humans, strength is seen not heard, cowardice makes noise"

"We both know my queen I'm nothing close to cowardly"

They both laughed softly walking through the palace mazed garden, "my queen..."

The queen turned to the lord as they stood looking at the small stream, "I know I'm not worthy to make plea  for any reason, especially after what happened two centuries back"

The queen shook her head" Milord, whatever happened was beyond us, you did not choose  his path, and you are my subject so go on"

He sighed turning to watch the water faes tend to the royal stream"I am left with barely 7 months to travel and I can not help but be grateful for the union that increased my life span, a plus of thousands of lives is not little"

She smiled" but my heart is heavy, I once had three sons but now just one is left, war took one, and one is in the human world but not only that, but  he is cursed"

He sighed as he saw the look in her eyes" I do not want him back my queen for what he did was beyond betrayal, beyond treason,but I want just a 30 minutes link with him before I'm been retired, I'm pleading" the queen sighed with a frown on her face.

"I did what was expected from me, and I was hurt too, hurt than you and lady Flora, I swore never to let myself convinced otherwise"

Lord Vladilen nodded"I understand my queen, I do, I respect the fact that you did not end his journey and turn his travel back to Mercury"

"for the respect I have for you Milord, I will give it a thought" the older lord smiled and bowed" thank you my queen"


Caith was sweating as the string of his sword cut deeper into his flesh,"now when you want to cut, you cut hard and deep"

" Some opponents don't die no matter how deep their wounds are, some look you in the face and sneer words that will live to haunt you, others laugh while dying"

Caith listened to the lectures while swinging the sword powerfully like it does not hurt, he is slowly becoming numbed to pain, " the only way to make death painful so painful such that no one will wish to die by your hands"

" And as a King, fear is to be planted in the hearts of your subjects, meaning, in your cup of royalty you need a drop of arrogance, a teaspoon of compassion,mercy is for the Lords and humans your words is law and before you, has always been you, but you must be respected to be feared so you must respect every single soul, you must be cold but also warm, life is too long for you as a royal to be a dictator, but also an ever playful king is for the younglings not for the monsters of Urania....."

Caith was exhausted, his bones were sore and his palm was deep with cuts alongside his wrist, just in two weeks he can feel his strength, he knows he isn't anyway close to strong but he feels change,his shifting has become less painful and quicker, his voice has gotten deeper and his muscles stronger.  But one thing he wasn't doing yet was the mind fighting, he doesn't have powers but lady Algea said with time it'll come.

He took off his top that was sticking to his skin due to sweat, he sighed and when he heard a small soft knock, he could smell his mate causing the fatigue to disappear and a small smile on his face, he opened the door to see her brown skin, they haven't really spoken for these weeks, her eyes were dark brown and she looks simple"Eres..." She nodded softly"it been weeks and we haven't spoken,I decided to come check on you"

"Yes, and you are the first person I think of everyday"

He felt her eyes trail from his face, chest down to his pants"I feel the change, from your chest and the muscles, must say I'm proud"

He chuckled"thank you, come on in I was about to bath,", she frowned"where are the servants to prepare you a bath?"

"Oh no, I prefer doing all that alone"

She walked in while he closed the door, "please make yourself comfortable while I clean up"

To his shock she sat on his bed, she watched his eyes widened" Ere...."

"I feel comfortable here, and since you do not feel comfortable with the servants assisting you,I will do it,you are my mate after all"

He thought back to what lady Algea said"those Pluto siblings are very open especially when they loose patience"

He nodded"of course" for this one he was nervous.

Her eyes did not waver from him as he took off his bottoms and was naked in front of her, he watched as the clothes found themselves the hamper and folded themselves before entering and a bathing robe walk to him, he wore it"thank you"

She nodded and stood up on her feet, "lead the way Enki and stop been nervous"

He chuckled,"I'm taken by surprise here"

"You shouldn't be, or if you'll be this uncomfortable I should let...."

"No... I mean I want you... I mean I'm not uncomfortable"

She smirked" if you say so "

He opened the doors to his bathroom, he watched her frown " always order the servants to clean design your bath," he was to talk when she added" they do not work for free"

He nodded" clear the waters", he sighed " I can not do that, I do not have powers"

She shook her head" clear your mind and order it"

He sighed and looked at the flowing stream of water" do not force it, it comes naturally"

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