Chapter eighty one

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Rick eyes widened as a head was smashed just close to Lisa causing her to shriek, ice followed.

Enzo scoffed picking up his hand fan, his hands were bloody "nephew can you get me some water?"

The poor human female was traumatized, her eyes were wide as she stared at the undisturbed man, Enzo grinned"darling nothing to get worked up for"

Rick gagged looking at the battered creatures on his floor"what are these ?"

Enzo sighed looking at his messy clothes"the reason I tell Eres to stop sending me to strange world's, I look like some abandoned human"

Leah finally found her voice"you just killed whatever these are and you are worried about your clothes"

Enzo huffed"yes appearance is everything darling...thank you"

"Ea... what's this?" Rick asked worriedly

Enzo sighed "this is so hard, you are too sweet to be Vladimir's son or worst still Eres, you must be Caith's, this is our job boy welcome to the family ..."

"Come on... we're going home, I need my clothes these things are cheap and not my taste"

Enzo walked out, while Leah held  Rick back" what the fuck is happening? Like are what are you?"

Rick just groaned" Leah all you have to do is trust me okay, I'll explain everything when we get the chance sit somewhere please"


Within a minute his sword was between Alessio's throat.

Caith's eye's finally opened and there he saw his death foster father.

He sighed he needs the body out of the human home and maybe clean their memories and also check on Vlad it been a while

And that is exactly what he did they could remember Eres as the weird friend who lived with them for some months nothing mixed with the paranormal activities .


Caith said his good byes and then quickly teleported himself to Vlad's home.

The place looks just as luxurious as he thought it will be, seems like Vlad shared that in common with the the royals.

But it smelled death, no, the doors were locked from inside, he could see traces of blood, and entering the sitting room there laid Vlad in a pool of blood .


Matteo watched his mate huff around"why can't I come too is because I'm human, you just think I'm weak and fragile..."

He responded with no hesitation"yes not even the strongest human can fight this fight talk less of you, you my dear are the weakest I have ever seen, that is the nicest way I can tell you"

" But we are mate, we are supposed to be equals..."

Teo tied his hair in his usual neat slick ponytail, this was is the first time Sasha has ever seen Teo take time to do something without magically just leaving the thing to do it thing.

"We are equal in these walls but out of  these walls, you are that fragile delicate easy targeted human, you cam take care of those within these walls"

Sasha had a pout on her face, she has seen first hand of the definition of what a Pluto can or should do, and although her stubbornness wanted to oppose but she knows what is expected outside of the Eas palace.

"Fine be safe, Matteo please, I know you do your things as if you are alone in this palace but just know if you don't come back, I will kill myse..."

Teo pecked her lips with a soft look" I will be back, no, this is not a war, it is a one person fight, My sister is stronger than this"

She sighed"I don't know why I even try"

He frowned"what is that to mean?

She shrugged"I know you really don't listen to me, this maid bond is the only thing keeping you around me for more than five minutes, you barely tolerate me"

He sighed"so you drew all this from me telling you to stay back cause it is not safe?"

"Not exactly, you do not let me do anything, we are mates but you insist I stay in a different wing, you go on meetings everyday to the crystal palace, but you never bring me along"

"Fine, tell a servant to get you into a fighting outfit, as protective as possible but light enough..."

"Are you serious?" She asked, excitement visible on her face

"Yes, it seems you translate affection in exposure to danger"

She ignored his words running towards her wing.

Afra was pacing in the cell, Eres is sick but she is even more sick for agreeing to this plan, everyone is outside fighting and Eres just sees it fit for her to be locked in some rotten cell, worst is Enzo is a good ass actor, how long is she to wait for her possible "fellow traitor"

She almost laughed at the looks on the faces of the council when she was called out.

After almost an hour she finally saw saw her target walk in and immediately felt like she will vomit.


Hades neigh helplessly from the ground, Dimitri growled"oh my sweet child"

He was bound to a tree, his eyes kept twitching"I can imagine what is going on in that mind of yours'

He could not believe it, how could they all miss it, they were all expecting someone, but not her, she was executed by their father himself.

"I always told Alger he gives way too much credit to his younglings" the beautiful female said with the sweetest smile"he overestimates his bloodline"

Dimitri almost scoffed, but he was worried, if Eres sees her, that trauma.

How did he even get here?

He frowned hearing the wails of the souls, his curiousity was at it best.

The memories of Eres carrying the death body of their father on her back was still very much fresh in his mind.

He knows whoever or what ever killed their father is still inside here and as much as he wants that creature death, he wants to be able to look deep in the creature's eyes.

He sighed stepping closer to the chained trees, from the red marks on the tree trunks he could tell there has been many attempts to  either get in or out.

He was to step away when a hand gripped a lock of his hair causing him to hiss, but he just could not get that hand from his hair and using all force made him drag the evil spirit out of the cursed forest.

He just had to release evil with him, he just hopes playing hostage will hold her off for some time.

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