Chapter fifty Seven

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Everyone got used to Eres around the house, she barely spoke or even interacted, she prefers sitting by herself and only talk when spoken to, Vlad kept his words and always checked on her even though she barely speaks or even acknowledge his presence, he just usually comes when the humans are not home, and keeps  conversations with Janus about his mate's wellbeing, almost everyday for a week now.

The kids adore Eres surprisingly, which Janus found it strange but Vlad told her " Ria can hate or dislike any living creature but she adores younglings "

They've all tried holding a conversation with her but it no use, while Kiera almost got traumatized when she she popped her chewing gum a certain afternoon causing Eres to look at her with her famous blank expression which is still very scaring, it like she was daring her" do that shit again and see". Kiera just avoided her like a plague and everyone was grateful.

Janus has connected over the week with Eres, Eres has almost the same attitude like one of her husbands, she seems to calculate and analyse  every single thing, sound, decision, challenge.

Janus likes how well Eres tends to flowers, and children, she always laugh thinking of  when they woke up the next morning the second day Eres got here, Lia had almost had a heart attack when she couldn't find Luther in his room with his brother nor the other rooms, cause that child always misses his mother's room at night. Just to knock the last door and see Luther on the bed while Eres watch the window as usual.

Keisha was preparing for work, she works as a restaurant hostess and bartender some days, when she heard a single knock which was strange, cause no one even even knocks like that, she sighed and opened her bedroom door to see Eres, she had her signature look, blank you can mistake her for a a very beautiful robot.

" Hi Eres..." She said with a smile

" Hi Keisha..." Eres said in her whispery voice, sometimes the humans don't get her

"I have been in this home for  a week and few hours,I wish to ask if I can follow you to your place of work"

Sha could swear that was the longest she has heard her speak, while Eres just wanted to go with her maybe she can pick up her Osiris's scent.

" I'm... I'm really not sure, I might get fired especially if you're occupying a seat without paying"

" No one will question you and I will not be a distraction"

The way Eres was looking at her, it makes it quite difficult to say no, it not pleadingly,but it like a plea and demand or even a oneside bargain.

" Okay then but you'll need a change of clothes and hai..." Sha Sha gasped as Eres signature red robe slowly became a beautiful brown gown, her big Afro tied itself into a neat tight bond, her hair seems to be in conflict between black and grey, as if she was not pretty before, now she was just a delicious meal for the eyes and Sha Sha was insecure.

Janus was just back from the grocery store when she saw Sha Sha come down stairs looking gorgeous as usual " you're ready for the hustle" Keisha grinned" girl you can say that again, wait till you see Eres", Janus furrowed her brows" wh..."

" Oh, Eres wants to leave the house, she asked to follow me to work"

" That's so great then... Eres you look  gorgeous"

Eres only nodded and followed Keisha" Janus we're out"

Janus hummed and walked towards the kitchen.


During the car ride, Eres was quiet, even when the human tried talking to her, she just wasn't in a talking mood, but thinking about it Eres is never in talking mood, it been 6 days and some hours since she heard from Enki, she could only wish Castor hasn't tied him somewhere.

"…You don't talk a lot, is it because of the new environment?"

Eres diverts her eyes from her side window to Keisha " I do not feel like conversing most of the time"

Keisha nodded chuckling nervously" I'm the talkative of the house, you know I really don't want to annoy you"

" If I feel annoyed, you would know"

Eres could feel the human curiousness go up the peak, " we all took an oath never to mention any supernatural stuff to another soul out of the house, so you do not have anything to worry"

" I do not worry" Eres said " even if you want to, you can not"

Keisha looked at the other woman briefly, before turning back to focus on the road" just out of curiosity, how old are you...120,200...or worst 30.."

" 2000 years, 10 months"

Keisha almost choked on spit, causing her to pull over and stop" wh...?"

Two thousand years, that's like forever" wow, meaning you've been alive in forever, like I look older than you for goodness sake"

Eres frowned at the human ranting not really understanding her" I am the youngest of my siblings"

"Meaning your siblings could be 5000 years old?"

" Yes, one of them and you will be late "

Keisha quickly started the drive, still in shock, Janus is old but not this old, and worst is Eres looks younger than the rest of them, Dahlia is 28, Karma is 24 while she Keisha is 26, and Janus 1000 years old but looking at Eres anyone could give her a 23 to 25 nothing pass that.
They arrived Keisha's work, Keisha could see some of her colleagues eyes widened when the saw Eres, they were all nervous like they know her or something.

Strange again is when Mr Issac cane in rushing "Keisha where's she sitting?"

Kevin a work colleague quickly said" I changed her position to the secluded section, she has the view of the ocean".

Keisha frowned getting more and more confused" y'all mean Eres?"

Lara another colleague gasped, while a Mr Issac quickly said"do not address her like a commoner"

First, who are these people,and who is Eres.

Meanwhile Eres was sitting very still, luckily no one was around to disturb her, until a human walked towards her table, Alyssa was shaking, she don't really know why but this woman her boss respects scares her already.

" Good afternoon Ms,please would you like to order now?"

Eres looked at the woman strangely, she is used to the reaction but from this particular being she could smell something strange" no"

Alyssa quickly shook her head" ma'am I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I just get really nervous..." She couldn't risk getting fired, she's in Florian on scholarship she needs this money, the pay here is great, a black owned business, colleagues from everywhere,she can't get this type of job anywhere else, the pay and benefits are just too great, she even uses her earnings to sponsor her siblings...

" I do not care about your nerves"

Eres kept her head down, she's so used to smelling that shy and nervousness from everyone but this human just carries it like a burden.

Alyssa nodded and left,Eres groaned to herself.

Keisha, made sure to check on her every time she could, and she was encouraged to do so by her boss and most of her colleagues.

The manager denied anyone access to that section, some clients didn't like it,but Mr Issac just didn't care, he will not risk Eres comfort.

"What do you mean we can't sit in the section we booked?"

"I'm very sorry Ms, but someone very important is there and we wouldn't want her to feel uncomfortable"


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