Chapter Sixty five.

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Karma heard the door bell, Eres was busy with Keith.

She went to the door, a gasp left her lips, why are there always good looking men in front of their door, one has a mischievous smile, while the other looks so polite.

"Hello Ms..."

"Ms Karma... I am Caith, this is my brother in law Lorenzo..."

Karma smiled,a man so polite"nice to meet you all"

"Thank you, I came here some weeks back, we didn't meet, I'm Eres' husband"

Karma caught Lorenzo rolling his eyes" oh so nice to meet you"

" Can I come in, because all this whatever this... greetings or what is wasting my time sweetheart" her eyes widened as Lorenzo stepped in not even casting his eyes anywhere but going directly towards Eres room.

" Uh... So sorry about that"

Karma was still stunned, while Janus came down with a smile as her eyes landed on Caith"Caith, well come in, I saw your friend already getting familiar with the house"

Caith chuckled", we are not friends,he barely tolerates me, he came for his sister"

Janus giggled


"Brother I think you are over dressed" Enzo smirked

"Poor baby sister..."

"We are the same age"

Enzo rolled his eyes"you really want to argue that?, I came out 10 minutes 32 seconds earlier, and I inhaled air before you, I saw the light before you did"

Ria shook her head with a sleeping Keith in her arms "So why are you overdressed to meet my youngling?"

Enzo pecked his sister's forehead as the began walking down the stairs,"it hurts me that you ask such pitiful questions, I am your twin brother, his first uncle before the others follow, and you forget I basically moved to the Center when he was still inside the womb, normally as gratitude, I expected my favourite sister to name the youngling after me"

" I'm your only sister, except you are counting Afra as one because I consider her a sister..."

The house had just stopped to watch the two siblings" that is downright disrespectful, I was never with you when you proclaimed my mate as your sister"

" Father had it published, every single being spoke of it"

" Great Imperia now in support of rumours, what is..."

He heard a scoff and immediately turned to the source of the sound, he smirked" your friends do not know respect sister"

Kiera's eyes widened as she looked up from her phone to see the stunning man staring at her like the devil preparing for her to meet him, Karma turned to Caith pleadingly.

" Little girl do you know what I do to babies like you?"

Kiera's eyes was darting around" I make sure their bones make that same sound try me"

Eres almost laughed as the little girl looks like she wanted to disappear, the child looks traumatized"

" My love, we do not want to keep  Osiris waiting"


Rick was at a restaurant, he doesn't even know if she actually meant this one, she gave no name.

Rick knows he isn't human,he has been living for almost 2 centuries, he has been feeding from people, he has a tattoo at the center of his chest, his eyes are just white, he finds himself in people's heads .

But he was told he was nothing out of the ordinary.

Seeing and talking to that woman was so strangely comforting.

Rick wasn't much of a talker,. but he was not a quiet person either.

He was deep in his thoughts when he felt a familiar presence, he looked up at the woman, she could be his younger sister,or maybe a friend of his younger sister.

The man holding her had an almost emotional smile, he looks like those guys who could breath out fire, while the other man had a wide smile.

"Osiris..."He stood up"hello..."

The woman hugged him tightly again, scared he'd disappear"Ms...uh..."

"I was so happy yesterday I did not tell you my name"

Enzo smiled widely" you are so grown and you have my looks..."

" Enzo he is polite, something you are not..."

" He is my height and he has my dimples, Ria I'm in the moment"

He chuckled the stern looking man " nice to finally meet you Osiris"

Caith couldn't get over how much the youngling looks like his mother.

They all took their seat" will you like anything?"

" Sister he is shaking his head nooo"

Eres eyes widened" oh sorry, I ...just so happy too see you"

"And you are the only one who can made her like this, she's not a happy..."

Caith chuckled, stroking his tensed mate's thigh soothingly .

Caith said with a grin"I am Caith Enki... Ereshkigal Imperia, you met her yesterday is my mate and her twin brother Lorenzo..."

Rick nodded"nice meeting you all..."

"You do not talk much now do you?" Enzo asked trying to make a conversation, since his sister was freaking out.

"Yes, I find stressful it to hold a conversation"
" Totally like this one here,I think that's the reason people fear her"

Eres eyes widened" it respect..."

" Sister you are an island"

Caith laughed" well you so happen to be the brother to this island"

Rick was amused at the two" you two are biological twin?"

Enzo grinned" yep, I took after our father, she took after our grandfather. And now you take after her and myself you are so lucky, because I know what fun is"

" Luc your idea of fun is smashing someone's head on a rock or melting them..."

" At least I feel happy doing it, what do you do for fun, wait watch others have fun?"

" I will practice fun on you, keep trying me..."

Enzo was to bring another come back, when Caith quickly said" we are your family Rick..."

Rick's eyes dart to the three who all nodded" you were captured and brought here, none of us knew where to find you... your mother was so devastated"

Eres was so thankful for Caith at this moment.

" I'm confused, I don't know if to be excited or angry, if my mother was so devasted why didn't she come..."

Eres was frozen" she was always with you..."

Enzo didn't want her sister to broke down so he quickly blurted" she is here...I am your uncle"

Rick's eyes didn't stray from Eres,his words were stuck in his throat.

Not only was this woman too young, but he searched for her almost everywhere, he had so much to tell her, his anger, his accomplishments, his difficulties.

Eres was waiting for an out burst, Caith has never, ever seen Eres nervous although the same blank look, Enzo was counting down seconds for the anger tantrum but they were shocked.

"Why are you so young?, Why now?..."

They all sighed in relief, Eres quickly asked"are you not angry?"

"No, no, when I was younger yes, but I grew up, why didn't you come earlier"

Eres sighed"well, I am the queen if I had left to come find you, I wouldn't have seen you and I will be risking lives to, I'm so sorry"

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