Chapter thirty seven

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Today work is not same, Lena has a feeling,  something is not right, she just has that nagging feeling.

"Ok thank you" she responded to a colleague.

She entered her car and drove to her house, something is wrong, her green eyes looked around but she saw nothing out of the ordinary.

She sighed"just my mind playing human tricks on me".

Lena is an older woman, she like many other Uranians is a sight to the eyes, she had her pitch black hair cut.

She looked around again before opening her door, thankfully no one broke in meaning her mind is just playing games with her.

As soon as she stepped she felt that cold aura, the same one she's been hiding from. The door locked itself behind her and her eyes landed on Mika, a gasp escape her lips, her former assistant is out of prison, she does not look bad, but from what Lena could see miserable was the word.

"Welcome home Lena Fairish"

She gasped at the voice, her eyes met any Uranian's nightmare Ea Lorenzo and his wife


"Please take a seat, after all we are at your house"

She nodded clenching her lips shut as she sat at the far corner"Ea... Lady Afra"

The blonde hair lord sighed, while Afra scoffed"Mika come sit closer to your mistress"

Mika nodded and sat on the sofa close to Lena.

"She really thought the queen had forgotten about your crime Ms Fairish"

She really hoped so, "what you did was impressive, you underestimate that crown"

She shook her head still unable to form words correctly, the darker skin lady smirked"she thought the human world could safe her "

They laughed before Enzo glared at the fairy"father told us stories about your family, I mean your mother help during our birth and only travelled peacefully because her mistress our mother did, her majesty respected your family, the family of the unborn"

Lena looked away"then the same being you were created to protect during childbearing is the same you betrayed funny how ungrateful you are, and selfish to include a poor young fairy who just wanted to follow your footsteps"

Lena scoffed angrily, after all she will still be punished"really I am the one selfish?, You Plutos have the entire Kingdom to your service, my mother died untimely because your weak mother did, why should anyone's life be connected to dictators like your family..."

Enzo smirked"... Your family controls everything, She deserved what I did"

Her face was red, Afra stroked Enzo's shoulder soothingly, While Mika's eyes widened" really? "

The Ea's eyes turned red, Lena trembled" you forget so soon I must comment..."

She felt stuck to the seat, and just knew she made a mistake" you forget, Pluto is your creator, you forget if not if that prestige every single Uranian will live just as long as the humans that is maximum of centuries, old and weak, you forget your ancestors pledge allegiance to that throne, you forget your mother lived 7 thousand years because of the Plutos, you forget every Pluto dies because of Urania, you forget you live a comfortable life because of Plutos..." She sobbed as her mouth was widened and a liquid forced inside" forget what the crown can do, and how painful you will live,... "

Afra chuckled" she forgets so soon"

"You forget Pluto made you with no choice but to serve, but his descendants gave you choices, they gave you homes and lives but as ungrateful as you are, you bite the fingers that fed all of your ancestors and yourself"

Lena was crying"I will rip open your body, and rearrange your organs to my satisfaction"

"I'm sorry Ea... Please"

" She is not sorry..."

Lena shook her head" I am please"

Afra turned to Mika" what do you think?, should we let the queen take care of her or..."

Enzo almost laughed at how quick Mika responded" she be punished, before meeting the queen"

Mika thought of the lies that got her here in the first place, she will loose everything because of Lena

Afra looked at her husband waiting for his signal" get it done my love"

Lena screamed in pain as her flesh was deeply cut by Afra , Mika jumped at how quick the wound was created and expertly done too" now that is the reason I hate leaving you to cut,why I'm I seeing blood?"

" Enzo stop exaggerating, that cut was perfect, I almost went deeper now hand them to me"

Enzo scoffed " I need to have my own cut too"

Afra rolled her eyes, they both ignored the crying Lena as Enzo used his dagger to dig her two jaws, Mika shriek" Enzo remember we are not to kill her yet"

" That doesn't mean no fun, and I made sure she drank that diamond drink, not my fault she can't handle small pain"

" Your hand is bloody my Lord "

Enzo kissed his teeth" stop been sarcastic honey"

Lena would not handle this for long, the blood dripping from her chest and her jaws.

" Hand them"

Enzo rolled his eyes" remember she said torture her not kiss her cheeks before ..."

" Hand them my Lord"

He sighed with a little pout, before letting the little box float to Afra.

She grinned but frowned as Lena's voice got louder" that shit doesn't even hurt that much"

" Told you she was exaggerating it"

" Let me shut her up for a while"

The box was opened and little beautiful insects flew around, Mika tried running but she couldn't get far cause she has no heart.

" She's still traumatized.."

Mika sobbed, those flies are nightmares.

They quickly landed on the open wounds and Lena's voice at this point was gone, the pain was overwhelming.

Her tongue forced outside and cut by Enzo.


Caith was reading some old books he found when the door was forcefully opened, he felt his mate.

The cold look on her face was scary but arousing" what are you Caith Enki Ahearn?"

He smirked" I would've preferred a greeting gesture.."

" I got in contact with Mercurian royals few minutes ago, and they claimed they do not have any relative my that name, and that description was Mercury...."

"She is fast" Caith thought" so tell me what are you?"

Ria watched him walk majestically towards her" I must say you are good, I am impressed"

Ria gripped his neck in warning" do not tempt me whoever you are, I will rip your flesh and bottle your worthless soul"

Caith eyes went pitch black and his voice deeper" you are hot when giving threats, but you do not scare me, and as arousing as this is, take your beautiful hands off my neck"

She pushed him away" start talking, who are you?, What are you?..."

He sighed returning to his seat" take a seat my queen, I won't hurt you"

She scoffed" pray I don't hurt you instead"

He chuckled, the scar across his cheek deepened, his eyes dark green" I am Mercury...twin brother to Pluto"

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