Chapter forty eight

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"... I do not like this dress," Imperia said with a bored look, she had in a red flowy dress, all of the Ladies thought she looked fabulous in it but she just didn't like it.

" Oh sweet child you look beautiful in it, and no you will not be wearing a black dress" Lady Bertina said, she looked at her niece's hair, Algea had to do a lot of convincing before the hair was well tamed.

" Auntie, I will still look beautiful in rags..." Afra giggled while Primrose designed white roses on the dress"Ria I think this suits you better, moreso it only for a few hours"

After the designs were done, her hair done, the veil was the next thing, " humans are stupid, why cover my eyes?, How will I even see the being I am getting tied to"

Primrose grinned"you and I both know you can see clearly through this".

Nora smiled softly"you look more than breathtaking Ereshkigal"

She frowned slightly as Nora took out a familiar necklace but more beautiful, it had her young smiling self carved on it, purely diamond made"I think we all know how attached you are to both your parents and your youngling, I could not thing of a better gift, you deserve all of the happiness ever created, and I know Enki will make you happy"

Eres hugged Nora tight, Afra smiled softly, but something caught her eyes the brief look of sadness that appeared in the eyes of Lady Algea, while Lady Bertina grinned" oh dear it so beautiful, put it on"

Nora wore it around Ria's neck, Ria murmured softly" thank you"

Algea forced a smile" sweetie, I got you a little something too"

Eres turned to her aunt, and gasped, her eyes twitched slightly, every female in the room gasped, it was a golden bangle bracelet, she had tried carving in Osiris' face the best she could, and a smiling Eres pecking the baby's forehead," I remember when last someone saw you happy, when last I saw you happy, you had that look, the look your mother had when every one of you were born, we do not see that look often and I wanted my baby to have it again... "

Eres was frozen, her eyes twitched" I'm sorry if I did too much... "

Eres shook her heard, showing her wrist, her whispery voice" I am speechless, I just... Thank you so much, it beautiful like he is," she hugged her aunt tight" it... Thank you for this Aunty Algea"

Algea smiled cleaning the tears, Bertina grinned" my turn.. "

" I think I have received enough for one day"

" Nonsense child, I have waited for centuries to give you this, come on"

Eres nodded, her eyes widened, she shook her head" I can not take that...she was your sister"

Algea quickly added" she would have wanted you to have it"

It was her mother flower cage, it has a small carving of both her parents holding her and Enzo, the cage was in a form of a heart" she might be there, but know you are always in her heart, sweetie, and although none of you two grew into tender hearted beings like she and your father wished, she still is very proud"

She nodded" thank you, and no I am not taking any more gifts, I need to go married this king before any more emotions"

The females laughter was interrupted by a knock, they heard Dexterio's voice" your majesty, it time"

She stepped outside, she sighed as she heard a familiar hiss" Luna..."

Luna was slithering on the wall, Dexterio almost laughed, Luna totally adores Imperia but the feeling was never mutual, she slowly made herself closer"you look very beautiful your majesty"

Imperia nodded creating some distance while clearing her throat" I know I creep you out the most Ereshkigal, butttt... Like it or not I am your friend, servant and I wanted to wish you the best"

" Thank you, um... See you after the ceremony...I like you Luna, if I did not, you would not been here or alive, your being is just not really the favourite to my eyes, but you are my friend and I apologize for you not been in there with myself..."

Luna eyes twitched, she felt so excited" so to make up for that you alongside Dexterio could walk me up there, just curl around my wrist" Dexterio raised his brows while Luna could not contain her excitement, she quickly shrink herself and curled herself around Ria's wrist" thank you"

Caith had a wide smile on his face as he watched Imperia alongside Dexterio walk towards the isle, she looks more than breathtaking, her face held a very small smile, he whispered" you are very beautiful"

She nodded, Dexterio whispered" keep her happy, she deserves it" Caith nodded, he held her hand and watched the albino snake uncurl itself from her wrist, and brought her closer to him"how did you get to keep your royal attire on, while I wear this ugly..."

Caith chuckled"we don't talk during the the ceremony love...and you look very beautiful in the dress"

Imperia scoffed and was to contradict his words, when Dimitri quickly said"Lords and Ladies of Urania, today we are gathered to bound two our two rulers, the king and the queen in holy matrimony... according to humans, it something very important but I do not know or care, but they have vows"

Enzo snickered" that's trash brother"

Viktor chuckled, while Caith stood from his throne, pecking her palm.

" So I am the one who suggested this human tradition...and as we all can see, no one really cares about it" the others laughed while Ria smirked.

" But I must thank everyone here, for doing their best, especially my mate, the queen of my heart who although doesn't also care about the ceremony, still went on with it for my sake"

Some Ladies of the court cooed.

" My love, Ereshkigal Imperia Uranus Pluto, I adore, when I first saw you, like everyone, I was swept away by her beauty and grace, but also I scared, you are my eternity... "

Bertina grinned" you deserve everything good in life and trust me I am trying to be good for you"

Eres smile was slightly wider and everyone could see it, " I am short of words, just know you and I are for better and best cause there will be no worst in our eternity"

The elders clapped, some Ladies and few Lords were totally feeling like doing their own wedding.

Dimitri turned to his sister" your majesty do you have your vo...?"

Almost everyone expected to refuse the offer, she stood up from her throne to where Caith was still standing, she gave a soft smile, looking at her husband" just to say how serious I am, I am wearing this ugly dress..." There were chuckles.

Sasha whispered to Mat's" she looks gorgeous in the dress"

" I had my hair tamed, and I forced my oldest brother to do what he is doing, which I comment is laughable...the whole wedding thing is a disaster, we all can see that, even Hades thinks this laughable, but I must say it beautiful, and the fact that my mate our his all into this..."

She smiled at him" I did it cause, I fancy my mate, he has brought light into my being and cold palace, and you have no choice but to live this eternity with me..."

There was laughter" you are my very light, I might not say it often you have brought live here"

A wide smile made it way on her face, while the hall clapped.

" Okay are... husband and wife, you should kiss the bride"

The brothers cracked up, while Caith smirked and lovingly smashed his lips on hers, he knew he had to be careful not to provoke her heat.

She felt tingles, this felt so natural, this was natural, he was her mate, husband,her king and father to her unborn younglings

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