Chapter eighty three

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Enzo could not help but notice the striking resemblance between Aurora and Eres, the only difference was, Aurora is pale, with white hair, while Eres is completely opposite to that look.

Aurora smirked, although there was fear still visible on her face"father will be so proud of you, having his brain and everything...but I am not done, in those those two hours before my mother disappears , I will take my birth right"

Eres was tired, pregnancy for any royal youngling is anything but a light weight, then added with this crap she just wanted to lay down somewhere and rest anywhere.

She is trying her hardest not to kill while been pregnant but people just keep tempting.

"What do you have to offer as the ruler of Urania?"

Both brothers turned to her as if she is crazy but she kept her eyes on the pale being who looked shocked as well.

Eres sighed"you've gone through thousands of years just to reclaim what you think is yours by birth, so tell me what do you have for the thousands of lives you fight for?"

Aurora felt this was another trap, she's been playing this game for a very long time now, but what will she loose playing again.

"You are darkness, I am light, as easy as that, you are a dictator, you kill people you claim to rule for the simplest mistakes, you pick only family to rule with you, but me, I'm anything but Pluto..."

Eres was this close to laughing, but she held it.

"So you want Uranians to sing and dance, eat and sleep...?

The brothers shook their heads with low chuckles"you want them to fight each other as they wish, eat eachother, smack them, then at the end die before 50 years, is that what you want?"

"You see it that way but I see that as freedom, something every Uranian dreams are the villain of this story"

Eres chuckled,"I know that, I mean every body wishes to feed as they want, let the weaker ones do everything, you do not have any idea how much I enjoy been the villain, the ruler everyone fears, including yourself"

She stood up waving over a guard, he walked towards her with her armour"I gave you too many chances, you ruined me, took away my family, isolated me, took my youngling to Venus , then directed me to an empty body, the Osiris I met has no soul, then you carry yourself from the pits of wherever you came from just to preach about your birthright, and Human democracy, I have ruled, and after I pass my descendant will rule, and that blood line will continue...''

She smirked darkly as her armour blended perfectly with her skin"I will make you realised, without darkness, no one knows light, just be ready to fight back, sweet sister "


Dimitri watched the spirit sighed for almost the thousandth time"you are beginning to irritate me"

Leticia stopped mumbling and turned the nonchalant creature"really?, You are the one in bonds but I am the one irritating you?"

Dimitri sighed"you are still in spirit form, meaning can can do little or no harm, and it is only fair to conclude that the vessel or body you await to possess may never come"

She smirked"you do not know what I am capable of c..." A slash was what interrupted them

Leticia was on the ground with Algea" you play too much"

"The curse of my marriage"

Algea chuckled untying her son"still bitter you could not tie him"

Dimitri just dusted his clothes and arranging his hair, he quickly ducked the flying blades, he raised his eyes"are you sure, you can handle her mother?"

She smirked"run along child, I will not let her away from my sight death or cursed"

Dimitri chuckled shaking his head.

"Arrogance is a flaw you picked from my mate"

Algea"but I did not pick patience"

Her hair slowly turned into a crown with Azure's, her eyes bright red, and her sword  five times longer, her skin darker.

"What will you do lady Algea...?"Leticia taunted, her hair attacking the dark skin woman, but Algea was quick

"You stole my mate..."

Blades all flew towards her enemy" you stole my world..."

Algea only laughed, there was once upon a time she felt bad for this same woman here


A 25 year old Algea giggled as she walked with the king, he seems to fancy get these days, always coming to visit her.

" You have made it your personal world, I am sure in days to come it will be perfection"

He smiled"it all started as a play ground, I just wanted an escape"

She frowned" why would Pluto, son of our great Lord need an escape?"

"Sometimes our bodies and souls need a change of environments,and I am also using that as an excuse to meet my beautiful Algea"

"Oh my Lord flattery get you nowhere, how is Lady Cia and the new born?"

The king chuckled"changing the subject, when are you ever going to accept it?, you are my beloved"

She looked up at his now pink eyes"I am waiting on my mate, he will be my eternity, you should be happy you found yours"

"You do not have a mate"

"I am positive I do, Uranus always keeps someone special for us..."

He grinned"I know, I just have a way of uprooting a problem before it sprouts"

She frowned"what those that mean?"

"I killed your mate beloved"

She gasped "you cannot do that"

"I already did"

It took years but slowly, Algea was becoming more than just the Prince's acquaintance.

She still made sure to avoid talking about possibly moving to his crib.

" I swear , I will treat you like the queen you are, we will travel the light and darkness of the world all you have to do is be mine"

One thing with Pluto, is since he is the most diplomatic if his brothers, he knows how to use words.

"I like us been like this, Lady Cia still remains your mate, I already am so wrong for doing this with you"

"We are not bonded yet, you are my beloved, you will have all of my children, you will train my youngling, even Aurora will adore you"

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