Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long

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Ah, this is the life.  Lying on a blanket on the sand...Sun warm on my skin...cold drink nearby...friends gathered all around me having a great time...and nothing to do but enjoy it all for the next four days.

I owe Naka-chan so much.

When she hit up the Bro-sketeers chat with the deets about this whole beach getaway, I gotta say, I was astounded.  Best idea ever.  Not only was I excited to get together with so many great friends, but...if I'm being honest...I really needed to get away from college for a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it at Tohoku.  But college is a very different animal from high school.  The schoolwork isn't so bad, at least, thus far.  But couple that with living with Bokuto, being a lot closer to Ama, and the insanity that is college-level volleyball...I've got a lot on my plate!

It's been amazing though.  It's all working out much better than I thought it might.  The Boku-bro and I get on pretty well sharing an apartment.  We very quickly discovered that the best division of labor is that I do the laundry and the dishes, and he cleans the place.  No really, it's best that way.  My bro is a actually a fairly neat sorta guy.  

Now, keep in mind, I have on more than one occasion returned to our apartment to find him in his boxers and gym socks, sliding around the house with some form of cleaning implement and singing at the top of his lungs.  Bokuto likes to sing while he cleans.  It's quite amusing actually.  I think I almost burst a lung laughing the first time I walked in to that.  But hey, he does a great job of cleaning up, and since I am now in charge of the laundry, I won't have to go out and replace all of my underwear again because my bro turned them pink by failing to sort colors.

Daichi and Suga have kept their word and come by a couple times to catch our games and hang out of a weekend.  That and checking in on Karasuno from time to time is their only remaining connection to volleyball.  They're both doing well at Miyagi University, it seems, and now that Sawamura and I are no longer rival captains, we actually get along pretty great.  He and Suga are kinda fun to hang around with, and the former Crow captain is quite adept at putting away beers, I gotta say.  He and Bokuto got pretty impressively wasted after our first game (since we'd won, a celebration had been in order), but it took like two cases of beer to get them there.  Suga and I were not exactly sober either, but at least we were not tunelessly belting out a garbled version of "You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party" while wrapped around each other barely able to stand.  Neither one admitted to remembering that the next morning, but I'm pretty sure at least the Boku-bro did, given how hard he blushed when Suga and I teased him about it.

The Crows seem to be doing pretty well these days...although something is still off with Naka-chan.  I can see glimpses of it in her eyes from time to time - underneath, buried down inside, something's eating at her.  I've not had the chance yet, but I want to try pull Tsukki aside and find out what's been going on.  He told me about the worries she had when she was made both setter and vice captain for her team, but their showing at the Interhigh Prelims had me figuring she'd worked through all that.  Clearly, that isn't the case, at least not entirely.  I wish I could make her see how amazing she is, both as a coach and a player.  I've got high hopes that we'll be watching the Crows, Owls and Cats in the National Tournament come January - and for that to happen, Nakano is gonna need to get past whatever it is that's bothering her.  Volleyball at that level takes total dedication.  You can't have lingering worries in the back of your mind - they'll swamp you.  Maybe I can wrangle a chance to chat with her during this week...but first, I wanna check in with Tsukki and see what he knows about this.  I've got no worries about the Karasuno boys at all - their showing at the Interhigh Prelims was impressive.  Date Tech just barely managed to get by them.  Ennoshita is definitely making a name for himself as captain.

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