Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad

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The six friends spent several lazy hours in the man cave, playing video games and talking and laughing and generally having a fine time.  Despite the occasional prompting from Amalie, the bar remained closed, as Kuroo declared that it would be an early start for them all the next day, as Kei, Nakano and Amalie all had long journeys back to where they needed to be.  Amalie teased the bedhead good-naturedly about being a prude, which set the other four teens to laughing hysterically, given the general consensus that Kuroo was the most naughty of their friend group.  The self-satisfied look on Amalie's face at their reaction to her teasing was a rival for any of the Bro-sketeers on making his fellow bros lose it.  I guess I was worried for nothing, Nakano thought, Ama seems to fit right in with this group.  And surprisingly, I don't feel as self-conscious around her as I thought I would.  It's actually kind of fun, getting to spend time with my sister like this.  

At least that was how she felt until Amalie thoroughly trounced both her and Kuroo at Mario Kart.  She managed to get past Kei, Bokuto and Mako as well, but it was her sister and her date that seemed the most put out about the state of things.

"Kuroo-bro, I've changed my mind.  I don't think it's a good idea for you to date my sister anymore," Nakano pouted.

"Hmph.  I'm starting to agree with you on that one," the tall captain replied, directing his own pout at the brown-haired girl next to him, who leaned in to try to change his mind by peppering his face with kisses.

Kei smirked at his girlfriend.  "Is someone feeling jealous of her sister?" he asked in a sing-song tone.

Nakano merely rolled her eyes.  "Look, it was bad enough when Kags beat me at Mario Kart, but this is just too painful to be borne."  

Bokuto just stared at Nakano.  "But Naka-chan, you're awful at video games, just like Kuroo-bro.  Everyone can beat you at Mario Kart."

The silence that fell was deafening.  Kei clapped a hand over his mouth and turned away from the bright blue fire that ignited in Nakano's eyes.  Kuroo was clutching at his stomach, clenching his jaw and trying so very hard not to hyena laugh.  Mako just carefully moved away from her date.

"Oh, shit," Amalie said, just before a large throw pillow smacked Bokuto right in the kisser, knocking him backwards.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Bokuto bellowed from his now prone position, grabbing up the weapon Nakano had just provided him and hurling it back at her.

It was twenty minutes before order could be restored, and the pillows in the man cave were definitely the worse for wear by the time the impromptu war was over.  Bokuto was holding forth a now rather deflated-looking cream-colored pillow as a shield when Kuroo called out in alarm.

"What happened to that pillow?!  Obaa-chan made that!!"

Once again, silence fell, and Bokuto suddenly looked rather sheepish.  "Uh...I' m sorry, bro, I didn't know...I...uh...I'll find the stuffing, I'm sure we can fix it..."  The owl-haired ace turned to look around on the floor behind him.

Kuroo tossed an arm around the big ace, bopping him on the head with a pillow and laughing.  "Don't sweat it, dude, I lied.  As far as I know, obaa-chan has never made a pillow in her life.  I just wanted to get in the final blow."

"Nice one, bro," Tsukki said, carefully fixing his glasses on his face.  He would never have admitted they'd just been knocked askew by a well-timed toss from Amalie.

Bokuto laughed.  "Guess it is getting late, huh?"

"That it is, my dude.  If you guys are up for it, I'd like to propose we all meet in the kitchen tomorrow morning at 8am for a community breakfast effort.  I figure between the six of us, we should be able to make something awesome,"  Kuroo suggested, beginning to tidy up the man cave.  The others immediately began to pitch in.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat