Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss

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Kiyoko looked again at the 'invitation' the managers had found in their room after dinner.  "Are you sure this is a good idea, Naka-chan?" she asked.

Nakano had indeed done as Kuroo asked her and encouraged all the girls to come with her to Kuroo's get together in the teacher's lounge.  "Why wouldn't it be?  I've always enjoyed Kuroo's little gatherings."

Yachi giggled.  "Even the one where you played Truth or Dare?"

Nakano laughed as well.  "Yes, even that one.  We had a lot of fun."

"I dunno," Yukie said, "Kuroo always strikes me as a little bit of a perv, you know?"

"He'll be the first to admit he's a terrible flirt and has a dirty mind, Yukie," Nakano began, smiling at the girl, "but I'll also say this about him - he's kind and gentlemanly and won't make anyone do anything they aren't comfortable with.  He doesn't pressure any of us into doing anything."

"Not even Kenma?" Kaori asked, arching her brows.

"Okay, maybe Kenma," Nakano said with a chuckle, "but only because if he didn't that boy would spend the whole time on his phone."  The girls all laughed.

"Why do I get the feeling that this is going to involve some kind of game where it's better to have a mix of girls and boys?" Kaori asked.  "This is, after all, the first time he's asked all of us to come to one of these."

"Ooooh, do you think Daichi will be there?" Eri asked, her eyes wide.  "Or maybe Kageyama?"

Nakano tried not to shudder as Eri fangirled over her teammates.  "Well, Daichi would be a surprise - when he and Kuroo get together there's usually a little too much captain energy in the room.  But Kageyama has been at these little gatherings before, I'd say it's pretty likely Hinata will drag him along."

Yachi tapped Nakano on the shoulder.  "Do you think it would be okay if we invited Yamaguchi?" she asked, a light blush painting her cheeks.

"Great idea!  I'll text the boys right now."  Nakano pulled out her phone to text both Tsukki and Yams to make sure her freckle-faced wingman came along for the fun, especially since she was all too familiar with the kind of games Kuroo liked to play at these events.

Mako finished brushing out her hair and stood up.  "Well Kuroo's got one thing right," she said, picking up his invitation and quoting it.  "'As this will be our last chance to enjoy an evening with our friends from Miyagi, let's make the most of it.'  I say we go to this thing and have ourselves some fun."

The girls all agreed, and began getting themselves together.  Okay, Kuroo, Nakano thought, you're going to get your more even boy to girl ratio.  Why do I get the feeling Bokuto is going to be very happy with the game you've chosen for tonight?  Nakano hid her smile from her friends as they speculated about what they were getting into.  Ah well, I guess we'll all find out soon enough.


The four first year boys from Karasuno walked into the teacher's lounge together.  Kuroo chuckled.  "Wow, we got the whole Karasuno first year contingent here tonight, eh?"  He came over to Tsukki and tossed an arm around him, pulling him into a sideways bro-hug, and moving him away from the other boys.  "Did your pretty little lady convince the managers to join us, I hope?" he said softly.

Tsukishima raised his eyebrows.  "I assume that at least Yachi is coming, since Nakano insisted I bring Yamaguchi along.  Why, Kuroo-san, what difference does it make how many girls are here?"  Tsukki's voice was low and tinged with misgivings.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum