Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain

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Ogawa Nakano knew something was going on.

It was Monday, and they were back at school again after a fantastic weekend.  More than that, it was the week of the qualifiers.  Nakano expected to feel on edge, tense, charged up and ready.  

That wasn't what was bugging her.  Something else was going on.

The day had started out normal enough.  She'd walked to school with Tsukki, meeting up with Yamaguchi on the way.  The three had chatted as they often did, catching up with Nishinoya on their way in to Karasuno.  That had been the first odd thing, though Nakano had thought nothing of it at the time.  She hadn't even particularly thought it strange when she saw Kiyoko standing and waiting for her by her locker.  After all, Nakano had borrowed one of the books of notes Kiyoko kept on the team, to review as she planned for their final practices before qualifiers began later in the week.  Kiyoko had stayed and chatted while Nakano had gotten into her locker and gotten ready for the day.

No, the first time she thought something was odd was when she'd asked sensei for permission to go to the bathroom.  Yachi had come crashing into the ladies' room a minute or two later, chuckling nervously about how funny it was that they'd had to go to the bathroom at the same time.

And if that wasn't enough, when the two girls emerged from the restroom, there was Sugawara, a third year, walking past them in the first year hallway carrying a stack of papers and looking purposeful.  He greeted them cheerfully as he went by.  Suga was an expert at camouflage, misdirection, and sneaking around.  But coupled with Yachi's all-too-nervous and hurried arrival in the ladies' room and her attempt at a surreptitious nod to their silver-haired senpai?  No doubt.  This was no coincidence.  Something was definitely going on.

And now, Nakano was watchful.

Daichi and Kageyama randomly joined them for lunch.  Asahi happened to be passing by as Nakano went to her locker in the middle of the day.  When sensei had asked Nakano to go to the teacher's lounge to deliver a message to one of the other teachers, Ennoshita came wandering by, trying his hardest to look casual but clearly gasping as if he'd just broken a land speed record running to reach the area.

Nakano was starting to get a little irritated.  Why was the team clearly keeping an eye on her?  There was only one reason she could think of.  Had Kei lied to her?  The very idea left a cold pit in the girl's stomach.

She caught Tsukki's eyes as she returned to the classroom after running her errand.  He looked at her fondly, but his expression quickly became concerned as he took in her features.  She glared at him pointedly, but his answering look held only confusion and distress.  She sighed and relaxed a little, she was pretty sure that he had no idea what was going on.  She gave him a look meant to ease his mind and he relaxed a little, jutting his chin at the clock to indicate they'd talk later.  She nodded.

That left only one possibility.

At the end of the day, Tsukishima moved to Nakano immediately, intent on asking her what was bothering her, but the barest shake of her head stopped him as Yamaguchi joined them, ready to go to practice.  The trio went about the usual routine, Nakano going to change with the other girls as the boys headed into their changing room.

Nakano and Yachi were the last two to enter the gym for practice.  Based on Yachi's reactions to a few vaguely worded questions, Nakano was now certain what had happened.  What she really wanted to know was why.  But that was going to have to wait until after practice - she wasn't about to take any of their few remaining hours for something like this.

"It's blocking drills today, boys!  Finish up your warm-ups and let's get started!" Nakano called out, trying to keep her voice from sounding as angry as she was feeling.

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