Chapter 15: The Reason

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Over the next few days, Tsukishima and Nakano continued their new habit of strawberry shortcake and soda in the backyard.  Some evenings Tsukki would come over early enough to visit properly, sometimes the two would text late and meet up outside, Nakano slipping out her bedroom window with their evening snack.  They spent several pleasant hours just talking and sharing their favorite treat.  Nakano learned Tsukishima lived with his mom and also had an older brother named Akiteru that for some reason he didn't want to talk about much.  Tsukishima learned that Nakano's older sister Amalie was attending Tohoku University but still came home to visit every so often, and her dad was a naval captain serving on a deployed ship.  She very much missed her dad, but she wasn't too willing to talk about her mother or sister.  He told her the story of how he first met Tadashi.  She told him the tale of her dating and breaking up with Oikawa.  They talked about their favorite things, things that bugged them, things they wanted to do in the future, their teammates, school, music, and all the other things two teenagers might focus on. 

Finally, one evening, Nakano texted Tsukishima around 10pm.

Queen Setter  🏐
Still awake?

Sassyshima 😏

Queen Setter 🏐
Last two pieces of the cake are waiting. 🍰 Wanna meet in the yard?

Sassyshima 😏

Nakano smiled and gathered the cakes and sodas, heading out her window to the bench they usually sat on when they met up late at night.  Tsukki sat down next to her a few minutes later and accepted a slice of cake with a smile.

"Last two slices, huh?"  He asked, taking a small bite of his cake.

She sighed.  "Yep.  Guess this is the end of our habit, at least for a little while."

The two enjoyed their cake in silence for a few moments.  Then Tsukishima spoke up.  "So, should I get my mom to buy one from the bakery, or do you want to bake another one?"  

Nakano laughed.  "Do you enjoy this that much?"

He dropped his eyes, color rising to his cheeks.  "Actually, I kinda do."

She put a hand on his shoulder.  "We don't have to eat cake to meet up, you know," she chuckled, "in fact, it would probably be better for us if we didn't."

He gave her his signature smirk.  "Yeah...but where's the fun in that?"  

The pair laughed and proceeded to chat about recent events - the tutoring sessions for Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka, practice, things happening with the team, the upcoming exams and the Tokyo trip.  As they finished their cakes and started in on their sodas, silence fell between them again.  Somehow, the silence between them never felt uncomfortable.  


"Yes, Tsukki?"

"Can I ask you something?"

She smiled at him. "You don't have to ask me if you can ask me things anymore, Tsukki.  We're friends.  You can ask me anything you like, any time.  What's on your mind?"

"Why me?"

She met his eyes.  She knew what he was asking, and she answered without hesitation. "I feel a connection with you I've never felt with anyone else.  You get me, somehow.  I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a physical attraction, of course, but that's not the most compelling part for me."  Suddenly, she looked away, feeling almost shy.  Her voice became soft.  "I know you're aware that there's...a lot...I don't share with anyone.  I've got a feeling like...maybe...I could share those things with you someday, if you'd let me.  I don't know why, and believe me, it won't be easy.  But you're the first person I've ever met who made me think I might like to try."  Her cheeks were hot, and it took all her concentration to stop the tears that were forming in her eyes.  Dammit, I will not be so weak, she thought, I want this to work out between us, but I won't let his decision be swayed by tears and crap like that.  I want it to be his choice, not something he does out of pity.

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