Chapter 86: In Your Eyes

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The party was well into its third hour when the Ogawa sisters and their dates made their way into what was properly called the side ballroom, but was indeed serving as a teen dance club.  The energy in the room was high, the lights were low and punctuated with strobes and flashes, and the music was loud and driving.  The deejay station dominated one side of the room along the edge of the massive dance floor, which was teeming with bodies.  Desserts and the infamous sake-spiked punch were arrayed along another wall, and if the feel of the room was any indication, most of the people in it had been sampling the beverage liberally.  The whole thing truly did have a kind of sexy club vibe going on, just enough on the edge of wild to make it all seem a little daring and a lot of fun.  Conversation was impossible, so Amalie just waved at her sister, grabbed Kuroo's hand and dragged him out on to the dance floor.  Nakano and Kei simply watched as the pair were soon lost in the writhing mass of people.  Kei smiled as he spotted Iida-kun and his date, all worries about dancing ability gone and just enjoying themselves.  Nakano poked his shoulder and pointed - she had spotted Hirakawa-san, and the girl he was grinding against was most definitely not the one who had been sitting with them during dinner.  The blonde boy chuckled, wondering if the young lady had found herself someone more to her liking to spend the rest of the evening with.

Nakano looped her arm through Kei's and tugged, leading him over towards the drink table.  Kei arched a brow at her, leaning over to sort of whisper in her ear.  "Are you trying to get me drunk, beautiful?" he asked, nibbling gently at the shell as the girl squirmed and giggled in response.  

She turned the tables on him, as speaking directly into the other person's ear really was the only way to be heard in the room.  "Well, since you dragged me in here and away from the show about to begin in the main room, I figured the least you can do is 'buy' me a drink, lover boy."  Indeed, Kei, Amalie and Kuroo had almost had to drag Nakano away from the ballroom, as the  Admiral had stepped away from their table only to return with a bottle of sake in each hand to accompany the already open one the adults had been enjoying.  Both her parents had already had a glass or two of wine with dinner, and Nakano had figured the next hour or so would be rather amusing.  She'd tried to settle in to watch, but her fellow teens were not having it, and she finally gave in and accompanied them into the other room.

Kei filled two cups with the bright red liquid from the absolutely massive punch bowl, handing one to his sweetheart and offering her a toast.  As always, the clacking together of two plastic cups made the girl giggle, and the pair sampled the drink simultaneously.  It was nothing special, just overly sweet fruit punch, made somewhat less so by the addition of a generous amount of the lowest quality of sake available at the event, which to be honest, was still rather decent.  Kei was not exactly experienced with such things, but based on the aftertaste, he figured that drinking this sake straight would probably have him choking slightly.  It doesn't taste bad, Kei thought, and you'd have to drink a fair bit of it to get drunk on it.  He let his gaze sweep the room, noting several fellow partygoers tossing back full cups of the stuff.  Looks like more than a few people have made that their goal for the evening.  He turned back to Nakano, who was chuckling as she too looked around the room, and then caught his eye.  He leaned down so she could speak into his ear.  "Seems like the selling point for this stuff is that if you drink enough of it, you won't care what it tastes like," the girl said with a grin.

Kei spotted a second drink and dessert station in the farthest corner of the room.  It was sure to be quieter there, and he wondered if maybe they might be able to actually hear each other talk if they went over to that side of things.  I wonder if she wants to dance for a bit first though, he mused.  At that moment, Nakano tugged his sleeve, pointing back at the punch bowl and clearly in the throes of laughter.  The boy turned just in time to see a young man in his navy dress whites pour two full bottles of sake into the punch bowl as his cohort added more fruit punch.  No attempt at all to disguise what they were doing.  He laughed along with the strawberry blonde for a moment, and then spoke into her ear again.  "Do you want to dance, or just people watch for a bit?"

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